
Friday, November 27, 2009


近日来昇菘超市以2555万元的献议价,向准备转换跑道的喜敦控股(Heeton Holding)收购五个湿巴刹。在这个自由贸易挂帅的大千市场,你情我愿的商业交易本来屡见不鲜,没想到湿巴刹与超市竟然成为热门课题,一些新加坡老百姓还签名请愿,表现了他们认真和感性的一面。

单从商业利益考量,或许湿巴刹转型成为超市是大势所趋,这就如当年的传统杂货店在面对NTUC、Cold Storage等超市十面埋伏;小书局面对大众书局、MPH、Time Bookshop 等大型书商的包抄下,挣扎求存的困境。以卫生与安全条件来说,超市确实比湿巴刹优异多了。货物的价格则半斤八两,各有千秋。


当年的湿巴刹并不局限于同在屋檐下的菜市场。潮州巴刹、三马路(奎因街,Queen Street)、牛车水戏院横街(丁加奴街,Trengganu Street)、福南街(今天的福南中心所在地)等都是显赫一时的露天市场。大清晨一天的生活便开始了。将近入午时分,摊贩们或挑着担子、或推着三轮车、或骑着三个轮子的摩哆车,各自打道回府,繁忙的街市回复宁静。生活简单,周而复始。

三马路(奎因街,Queen Street)

丁加奴街,Trengganu Street, 中午打烊时分








Friday, November 20, 2009


年初通过参与Christian Lacroix的舞台服装设计展览,对登上世界级舞台的服装制作有多一些认知,不得不佩服服装设计师的灵感巧思。一张桌布、破旧的窗帘、手术室用过就丢的‘纸衣’(特卫强,Tyvek)、跳蚤市场的二手货都可以登上大舞台,演绎一场场的古典与现代神奇。

Christian Lacroix的一款服装设计是补丁式(patch work)服装,用于《卡门》这部歌剧。年少时见过也穿过补丁的衣服。补丁的衣服其实就是衣服穿了洞,用另一块布把洞补好,就可以继续穿了。


(Christian Lacroix 的补丁式礼服, patchwork gown)









日战时期,被囚禁在樟宜监狱的不只是军人俘虏,还包括他们的家属。加拿大籍妇女Ethel Mulvaney 想到缝制补丁被,一方面让妇女们打发时间,另一方面或许可以通过补丁被来传达讯息给正在受苦的丈夫、爸爸和孩子,叫他们支持下去。只要有求生的信念,就会有回家的一天。



六十七年眨眼流逝,这段时间已经足以孕育三代人。四张补丁被的下场如何?一张补丁被下落不明,至于另外三张补丁被,两张保存在澳洲Australian War Memorial Museum, Canberra;一张补丁被在英国Surrey的红十字会展示。


Friday, November 13, 2009

Armenian (part 2 of 2) - from ancient times

Armenia was the first country in the world adopted Christianity as the national religion (310 AC). Today's Armenia is surrounded by Islamic countries (north: Georgia, south: Iran, east: Azerbaijan, west: Turkey). Religion is a likely source that could ignite security instability in this region.

Was Armenia built by Noah? According to the Book of Genesis, Noah's Ark was built by Patriarch Noah at God's command to save himself, his family and the world's animals from a worldwide deluge. It happened to be more than 2500 years ago.

God also instructed Noah to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, along with every kind of food to be stored as food for the animals and his family while on the ark. Noah obeyed everything God commanded him to do.

After they entered the ark, rain fell on the earth for a period of forty days and nights. The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days, and every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out. As the waters receded, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. Noah and his family continued to wait for almost eight more months while the surface of the earth dried out.

(A picture of what people say is the remains of the real Noah’s Ark)

Finally after an entire year, God invited Noah to come out of the ark. Immediately, he built an altar and worshiped the Lord with burnt offerings from some of the clean animals. God was pleased with the offerings and promised never again to destroy all the living creatures as he had just done. Later God established a covenant with Noah: "Never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth." As a sign of this everlasting covenant God set a rainbow in the clouds.

Traditional Armenia lies in an area between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, in the region known as the Caucasus(高加索). Many argue that Armenia fits the legendary location of the Garden of Eden, and travellers from ancient times to this day give testimony that Noah’s Ark still rests on Mt. Ararat, the heart of Armenia. From Ararat, Noah walked to Yerevan and built the city (The capital of Armenia).

At the beginning of 19th century, Armenian already settled down in India, Burma, Java and Malay Peninsula (Penang and Malacca). In 1830, the Armenian merchants started their businesses in Singapore, mainly involved in spice and opium trading. In that era, most of the people came to Singapore to earn money. Once they accumulated enough wealth, they would return to their homeland. They were mostly transitional. In comparison, the Armenian were more sincere and committed. They brought their families to Singapore and made Singapore their home.

The Armenian still left their legacy behind which lasted many decades. The Armenia church (The Armenian Apostolic Church of St Gregory the Illuminator) was constructed in 1835. In 1973, the building was gazetted as a national monument.

Catchick Moses (1812-1895) was the co-founder of The Straits Times in 1845. The Sarkies brothers (Martin, Arshak, Aviet and Tigran) set up the Raffles Hotel in 1887.

In 1981, out of more than 40 orchid varieties, Vanda Miss Joaquim was selected as the Singapore national flower. Although Agnes Joaquim only lived a short 45 years, she had extended her life into the 21st century with the nation called Singapore.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Armenian (part 1 of 2) - Vanda Miss Joaquim (卓锦万黛兰)

Last year I wrote a short article about Armenian community in Singapore. About eight months later, my NMS MD friend Evelyn (若琳) continued with more research and presented a series of well written articles. These articles are archived in the NMS MD websites:

In year 1880 where the local Armenian’s population reached the peak, Singapore had about 100 Armenian families. The Armenian were loyal to the British and paid for the price of imprisonment by the Japanese forces during World War II. During post war period, many Armenian chose to migrate to Australia. At present there are about 20 Armenian still staying in Singapore.

(1917. Note: all the Armenian group photos are obtained from )



Friends asked me where did I obtain the latest magic figure of 20. As the article was not meant for deep research purpose, I was not serious enough to capture all sources of information then. I could only relate based on what I read, who I spoke to when I stepped on the site of Armenian Church and what struck me in my own memory.

Now we can access to more information through the website titled “Armenian Church of St. Gregory the Illuminator Singapore”. The Armenian always reminded us how a small community could create an impact on Singapore.



The website has been updated with group photos of Singapore Armenian community spanned between 1917 and 2009. For those who could understand the Armenian language, there is an article originally published in Նունե Կարապետյան (It takes life to know how to live). The blog is owned by Aljbucit, an Armenian grew up in Yerevan (Armenia) and now staying in the Netherlands.

When I first found out that the Singapore’s national flower Vanda Miss Joaquim (卓锦万黛兰) was named after an Armenian horticulturist, it struck me to learn more about Armenia.

Ashkhen Hovakimian, (Agnes Joaquim) hybridised the Vanda Miss Joaquim orchid. In April 1899, Agnes showed her hybrid orchid and won a first prize in the annual flower show. But within three months she passed away at 45 years old due to illness.

In 1981, the orchid was chosen as the national flower of Singapore. However, whether Agnes Joaquim actually spent effort to hybridise the hybrid orchid or merely through natural discovery had created some controversies.

Justice was restored thank to a year 1893 document and the ex-director of the Singapore Botanic Garden.

After producing her orchid by crossing the Burmese Vanda teres with the Malayan Vanda hookeriana, Agnes Joaquim showed the hybrid to Henry Ridley, the director of the Singapore Botanic Garden. Ridley examined it, had it sketched and sent a description to the Gardeners' Chronicle writing that:

‘A few years ago Miss Joaquim, a lady residing in Singapore, well-known for her success as a horticulturist, succeeded in crossing Vanda Hookeriana Rchb. f., and V. teres, two plants cultivated in almost every garden in Singapore.’ (Gardeners' Chronicle 24 June 1893, p.740).