
Friday, July 27, 2012

汪洋中的一条船(2 of 2):东南亚海盗 Piracy

数年前跟拖船公司签约,谈起船员难求。拖船的船员多数来自印尼的岛屿,他们在新加坡工作两三年后水涨船高,跳槽到杜拜赚油钱。这些船员在小小的拖船上生活,拖船便是他们的家。跟他们见面后,不由想起新加坡历史上的Orang Laut,他们是Orang Laut的现代版,不过从事的是正当的劳力活动。

长期以来,东南亚是海盗的温床。在东南亚从事海盗活动的除了柔佛的海人(Orang Laut)之外,还有廖内林嘉群岛(Lingga)的锡卡纳人(Orang Sikarna),棉兰老岛(Mindanao)的拉囊人(Orang Lanuns),苏拉威西(Celebes)的武吉斯人(Bugis),苏禄海(Sulu Sea)的巴拉尼尼人(Balanini),少数暹罗人及中国人。来自北婆罗洲的Iranun 据说是最凶残的海盗,他们在英国、荷兰和西班牙在东南亚的争霸战中渔翁得利,在菲律宾、香料群岛和马六甲海峡通行无阻,十八世纪是他们的黄金时代。

(Orang Laut在廖内群岛的典型村落,传统上Orang Laut以海盗为生,扶持了室里佛逝、马六甲王朝和柔佛王朝)

(Illanoon (Iranun) pirate prahu. NAS 1900)




在那个年代,当海盗似乎比老老实实地做生意更加体面。根据蒙西阿都拉(Munshi Abdullahthe Father of Modern Malay literature)关于苏丹胡申(Sultan Hussien)向东印度公司申诉钱不够用的记载,19世纪初叶的马来王族认为当海盗是件很光彩的事:

苏丹几次申诉英国给予他们的津贴不够用,莱佛士向他建议开设一家贸易商行。苏丹和天猛公听了莱佛士的话,笑着说:“那不是本王族的习俗,经商将使我们在其他统治者面前失去尊严。”莱佛士听了脸色改变,眉头深锁,但还是笑笑说:“苏丹殿下,我对这种奇异的习俗感到惊奇,为什么说经商是那么邪恶,是一种耻辱呢?难道海上掠劫反而不是耻辱?”苏丹说:“海上掠劫已经成为我们与生俱来的权利,因此不是耻辱。” ---A H Hill, ‘Founding of Singapore described by Munshi Abdullah’ in Singapore 150 years

(Hikayat Abdullar written by Munshi Abdullah, 1849


(英国船长所驾驶的Royalist在靠近Palawan Island的水域被马来海盗追逐,这是他事后的描绘。NAS 1852)

荷兰与海峡殖民地政府成功打击海盗,还得感谢同样靠海盗发财的天猛公伊布拉欣 Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim。1835年苏丹胡申在马六甲逝世,英国殖民地政府为了确立在国际法眼中海峡殖民地的合法性,不需要一个马来统治者,所以干脆让这个职位消失。

天猛公伊布拉欣崛起成为马来族的领袖,为海盗提供情报,并且为各马来海盗的头目提供保护网,势力逐日扩张。1836年,海峡殖民地总督Samuel George Bonham决定以鬼打鬼的方式,与天猛公伊布拉欣合作,一方面压制海盗,另一方面安排机会给他们在新加坡从良,安家落户。Bonham向加尔各答(Calcutta)的东印度公司总部报告:

Our young Native Chief (Ibrahim) informed me that if the government would receive them, 270 small boats containing families, who had heretofore more or less depended on Piracy for a livelihood, would resort to Singapore and reside there under his control….I shall endeavour to make proper arrangement for their location…. Locating them somewhere out of our jurisdiction but in the Territories of the Temenggong, our Native Chief, so immediately in our vicinity as to be under my strict surveillance would be preferable to having them on the Island.

(周游于黑白道之间的天猛公伊布拉欣 Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim

(Masjid Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim,Telok Blangah Road,新加坡唯一由柔佛管辖的回教堂)


The words inscribed on the blade of the sword: In the year 1845. This is a gift from the Lord Lieutenant of the Bath, Governor of the three settlements of Penang, Singapore, and Malacca to the Temenggong Seri Maharaja of Johore in token of the meritorious service rendered by Seri Maharaja in stamping out piracy, a task much appreciated by the Government of India.)

后来,伊布拉欣以港契制度吸引新加坡华人过海,开发柔佛,靠甘蜜致富,摆脱海盗的身份。伊布拉欣的大儿子阿布巴卡(Abu bakar)继承父业,进一步与英国人合作,落实英国人的政治体系,成为柔佛之父。

Friday, July 20, 2012

汪洋中的一条船(1 of 2):侠盗索马里?Piracy


进入21世纪2000年代,远在6400公里外的索马里(Somalia经历了十年内战,几乎进入无政府状态,海盗猖獗,光天白日下持枪抢劫路过亚丁湾(Gulf of Aden)的商船,对国际船运的安全与船员的生计造成恐慌。2008年,联合国通过第1838条决议,允许各国组织海军到亚丁湾,进入索马里水域打击海盗,维护航运。

(sinking of Ekawat Nava 5 on Nov 18, 2008 by Indian Navy INS Tabar)






海盗的组织严谨,装备完善,成员多数是20多至30多岁的年轻人,来自索马里东北部的 Puntland,可能有五个党派,总人数约1000人。单单在2008年,他们在阿拉伯海和印度洋对路经此处的三万艘商船进行111次攻击,42次成功掳获商船。到了2009年,几乎每一天都有一宗攻击事件。


索马里海盗逐年扩大运作范围。BBC 2011


(Republic of Singapore Navy ship RSS Endeavour participated in fighting Somalia pirates in 2011. MINDEF website)

(When encountered with RSS Endeavour, the suspected pirates abandoning skiff onto dhow. MINDEF website)




龙牙门: 门以单马锡番两山相交,若龙牙状,中有水道以间之。田瘠。稻少。气候热,四五月多淫雨。俗好劫掠。昔酋长掘地而得玉冠,岁之始,以见月为正初,酋长戴冠披服受贺,今亦递相传授。男女兼中国人居之。多椎髻,穿短布衫,系青布稍。产粗降真、斗锡。贸易之货,赤金、青缎、花布、处瓷器、铁鼎之类。盖以山无美材,贡无异货。以通泉州之贸易,皆剽窃之物也。舶往西洋,本番置之不问。回船之际,至吉利门,舶人须驾箭棚、张布幕、利器械以防之。贼舟二三百只必然来,迎敌数日,若侥幸顺风,或不遇之,否则人为所戮,货为所有,则人死系乎顷刻之间也。


14世纪时来自印尼巨港的拜里米苏拉(Parameswara)在新加坡立地为王,后来被暹罗追杀,逃到马六甲,借助由海人(Orang Luat)组成的海盗的支持,才得以在马六甲扎根,最终建立起叱咤一时的马六甲王朝。

Friday, July 13, 2012

From Titanic to Costa Concordia, 100 years journey to ship safety

I worked in the field of ship engineering for more than 2 decades. Knowing the imperfection of statistical rules and standards applied to engineering design, how would ship operator’s errors lead to catastrophe, the difficulties in imparting safety procedures and culture among a team of international crew who speak different languages, and the vulnerability of individuals in the ocean, my family and I have not board a cruise liner for holiday. My response may be extreme. However, what I have not told them was the ship accidents that I investigated and many nightmares that woke me up in the middle of the night. They made my heart very heavy.

Another incident of happiness turned into misfortune happened on Friday 9.42pm local time, 13 Jan 2012. The Italian Cruise ship Costa Concordia leaning on its starboard side in the waters off Giglio Island, 25km from the Italian mainland, after running aground. A dramatic night-time rescue swung into action after the 114,500-ton Costa Concordia hit a reef or sand bar as passengers were having dinner at about 8pm. A gash of 50m was ripped across the side of the ship.

(Costa Concordia capsized off Giglio Island. ST Jan 2012)

The cruise liner's captain then tried to steer the ship towards shallow waters near Giglio's small port to make evacuation by lifeboat easier. But after the ship started listing badly, lifeboat evacuation was no longer feasible. Some passengers, apparently in panic, had jumped off the ship into the sea. Five helicopters from the coast guard, navy and air force took turns airlifting survivors still aboard and ferrying them to safety.

There were 4,234 passengers and crew on board, 4,165 survived.  About 70 passengers were either missing or died.

(Thick steel is just like a sheet of paper. ST Jan 2012)

By the time the first lifeboat was launched, it was 80 minutes after the hull was punctured. Passengers complained that the crew failed to give instructions on how to evacuate the Costa Concordia.

'It was hell... They told us to stay calm but you could see the fear on everyone's faces, including the crew,' ANSA news agency quoted an unnamed passenger as saying.

Cruise ship worker Fabio Costa told the BBC: 'Everything just started to fall and everybody started to panic and run.'

(Distressed passengers. ST Jan 2012)

Christine Hammer, 65, from Bonn, Germany, was shivering near the harbour of Porto Santo Stefano after stepping off a ferry from Giglio. She was wearing elegant dinner clothes - a cashmere sweater, a silk scarf - along with a large pair of hiking boots that a kind islander gave her after she had lost her shoes in the scramble to escape. Left behind were her passport, credit cards and phone.

'We heard a crash. Glasses and plates fell and we went out of the dining room and were told that it wasn't anything dangerous,' she said.

'There were scenes of panic like on the Titanic. I don't know how this could happen. The captain is crazy,' passenger Mara Parmegiani told Italian media by relating Costa Concordia with Titanic.

The Titanic story has been told and retold. Titanic is a British liner that also had its hull ripped open, but by an iceberg, on 14 April 1912. It was 100 years ago. With less than 2 days left on their 7-day journey, Titanic’s passengers began to look forward to reaching New York. The 3rd class common rooms buzzed with excitement, while the social elite of 1st class held a gala dinner. Within the next 3 hours after hitting the iceberg, the 270m length, 50,000 ton ship (about the size of an aircraft carrier) ripped into 2 pieces from around midship and rested at 3.8km beneath the ocean.  Out of 2228 passengers and crew boarded for the maiden voyage from Southampton to New York, only 705 survived.  

(The last picture of Titanic. 1912)

(A section of the bow after 100 years in the ocean)

The key differences between early 20th century and early 21st century for the two tragedies are time of optimism and progress. In the 1910s, an industrial boom in the US made a few wealthy and a better life for countless others. In the 2010s, industrialisation has been more or less saturated in US and Europe. These two continents are heading towards unprecedented national debt and economic downturn.

(Chasing after an American dream. Money recovered by undersea robot)

The iceberg that collided with the Titanic in the North Atlantic Ocean most likely came from Greenland. Warm weather caused huge chunks of ice to break off Greenland's glaciers. These icebergs floated south with the ocean current. The actual damage to the ship consisted of 6 ruptured seams in the riveted plates at starboard forward. They distributed along the forward 6 compartments (93m, Titanic has 16 compartments) at about 6m below water line.

(The iceberg that collided with Titanic. Photo taken 3 days after the collision. 1912)

(6 ruptured seams spanned across 93m of the starboard of the bow at 6m below waterline.)

- Apr 14th  11:35 pm: Lookouts spotted the iceberg 1/4 mile ahead.
-11:40 pm:  Titanic collided with the iceberg and damaged the hull
-Apr 15th Midnight: Watertight compartments were filling; water spilled over the tops of the transverse bulkheads
-1:20 am: The bow pitches; water flooded through anchor-chain holes
-2:00 am: The bow continued to submerge; propellers lifted out of the water.
-2:12 am:  The stern raised up out of the water; the bow, filling with water, grew heavier
-2:18 am: With 40,000 ton of water, the bow ripped loose; the stern rose to almost vertical
-2:20 am: The stern slipped beneath the surface
-2:29 am: The bow strike the ocean floor
-2:56 am: The stern strike the ocean floor.  600m from the bow.

(A Titanic's lifeboat in the choppy sea, waiting for rescue. Reuters 1912)

On September 1, 1985, oceanographer Bob Ballard and his crew discovered the wreck of the Titanic about 350 miles southeast of Newfoundland, Canada. In 1991, the first purely scientific team visited the site. The dive was called the IMAX dive because the purpose was to create a film for IMAX theatres. The Soviet submersibles used in the dive were capable of staying submerged for 20 hours. The submersibles were equipped with 110,000 lumen lamps for deep sea exploration. Usually the dive was about 12 hours.  It took 2 hours for the submersibles to dive and another 2 hours to surface. 8 hours were spent on research and recovery.

(Submarine deployed for IMAX dive. c.1990s)

(Internal compartment of the submarine. Note that the crew were not permitted to eat, drink or shit in the congested submarine. c.1990s)

During IMAX dive, a chunk of metal lying on the ocean floor that once was a part of the Titanic's hull was recovered. The piece of steel was 25mm thick with three rivet holes, each 30mm in diameter. This dead body enable extensive researches to uncover additional clues to the cause of the rapid sinking of the Titanic.

Some studies have concluded that the watertight compartments contributed to the disaster by keeping the flood waters in the bow of the ship. If there had been no compartments at all, the incoming water would have spread out, and the Titanic would have remained horizontal. Eventually, the ship would have sunk, but the ship would have remained afloat for at least another six hours and even days before foundering. This amount of time would have been sufficient for nearby ships to rescue all of the passengers and crew.

The first hint that brittle fracture of the hull steel contributed to the Titanic disaster came following the recovery of a piece of the hull steel from the Titanic wreck. The condition of the edges of the piece of steel appeared almost shattered, like broken china. The metal showed no evidence bending or deformation. Typical high-quality ship steel is more ductile and deforms rather than breaks.

Similar observation was found in the damaged hull steel of the Titanic's sister ship, Olympic, after a collision with a Royal Navy ship while leaving harbour on September 20, 1911. The plate failure exhibited little plastic deformation and the edges were unusually sharp, having the appearance of brittle fractures.

(The series of Liberty ships suffered 8 of such hull fractures during World War II. Similar observation was found in the damaged hull steel of the Titanic's sister ship, Olympic. c.1940s )

The mechanics of ductile-brittle behaviour near freezing temperature came as a result of the large number of hull failures of Liberty ships during World War II.  8 of these fractures forced abandonment of ships at sea. Fractures of the steel plate in Liberty ships only occurred at low sea temperatures for which the impact energy of the steel was 20 Joules. At low temperature, steel changes property from ductile to brittle and prone to cracking. This is called Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature (DBTT). Manganese in structural steel helps to lower the DBTT and thus improve the strength at low temperature. Sulphur which commonly found in iron ore increases the DBTT and should be avoided.

(The transition point causes steel changing its property from ductile to brittle is called Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature DBTT)

Note that the impact energy of steel recovered from Titanic was found to be very low (brittle) at -1°C.  This was the estimated sea temperature at the time of collision with iceberg. However, it was the top quality steel in that era.

Titanic carried lifeboats for just over half of the passengers and crew on board although the Titanic could carry two rows of lifeboats. One row was removed before the voyage to make the deck more aesthetically pleasing. The 20 lifeboats actually exceeded British Board of Trade regulations requirements by 10% capacity. At that time, lifeboats were viewed as a means of abandoning ship for a rescue vessel in near distance. The ship was seen as its own lifeboat. The technology of the time also did not provide for a reliable means for launching a large number of lifeboats in short time.

(The bow of Titanic permanently rested at 3810m on the ocean floor. c.1990s)

(The stern of Titanic permanently rested at 3810m on the ocean floor. It is about 600m apart from the bow. c.1990s)

(Luggage tag for second class passengers recovered by undersea robot)

(Titanic was owned by White Star Line. The cup was recovered by undersea robot)

(Logometer, used to determine ship speed was recovered by undersea robot)

Titanic led on to massive improvement in safety at sea. The first version of SOLAS convention was established 2 years later in 1914. Improvements in ship safety include:
  • Raise the height of watertight transverse bulkheads to main deck level.
  • Minimum lifeboat capacity equal to the number of passengers and crew aboard at each side of the ship, along with other emergency equipment and safety procedures
  • Mandatory 24/7 radio watch for large ships
  • Ice patrol to warn ships of nearby ice fields. (Since then, no incident of collision with iceberg was reported.)
How about the fate of the two sister ships Olympic and Britannic? Olympic was requisitioned by the British Government and deployed as a troopship during World War I. Olympic struck and sank a German submarine, U103. After the war the ship returned to commercial service. Bad luck returned on 15th May 1934 when the ship collided with the lost of 7 lives. The last voyage ended in Southampton on April 12th 1935.

Britannic was requisitioned and deployed as a hospital ship during the war. On 21st November 1916, Britannic struck a mine (it could also be struck by a German’s torpedo) in the Kea Channel, Aegean Sea. The Britannic began to sink like Titanic but at 4 years later.

Between Nov 2011 and Apr 2012, a Titanic exhibition was shown in the Art Science Museum - MBS. I was given the opportunities to provide several one-hour guides to the visitors. Judging from the grand setting, I do not think MBS was making money despite that the charges was $28 per head. However, since MBS was, and is still making big money from gambling business, it makes sense for the MBS management to contribute some money back to the society to develop art and culture in Singapore.

(Between Nov 2011 and Apr 2012, a Titanic exhibition was shown in the Art Science Museum - MBS. The group of docents and I posted in front of the ship model and the grand staircase. Nov 2011)

Friday, July 06, 2012


到新加坡东部绕一圈,以淡马锡命名的小学、中学、初级学院和理工学院分布在勿洛(Bedok)和淡滨尼(Tampines)。至于新加坡最大的投资公司淡马锡控股,无论怎么划清界限,说与政府无关,但在百姓眼里,别的不说,单单是CPF这一人民的资产都授权给淡马锡控股投资,官方资料说投资收益17%,远远超过国际价码, 但CPF利息2.5%,不成比例,真是掉进黄河都洗不清。




话说公元七世纪(中国唐朝),苏门答腊的室利佛逝(Sri VijayaSamboja,十世纪后称“三佛齐”)崛起,称雄马来群岛的时候,中国已经派僧侣到佛逝国取经。唐高宗咸亨二年(671年),高僧义净到佛逝国取经,停留六个月。根据义净所著《大唐西域求法高僧传》记录,到过佛逝国的高僧,还有交州僧人运期、高昌法师彼岸、智岸,晋州善行师者、洛阳智弘法师、荆州江陵无行阐师、襄州襄阳僧人法郎,以及僧人孟怀业、道宏、贞固等。

当时中国可能称新加坡为“凌牙门”,凌牙是Lingga的译音,门是古代中国的出海要道,“水流峡中,两峰为门”。后来凌牙门演变成“龙牙门”,可能是因为福建话“凌”与“龙”同音。也有史学家认为龙牙门是指Labrador Park和圣淘沙之间的水域,因为当年海中有一块像龙牙一样的大礁石,1848年被英国殖民地政府炸毁。


“龙牙门            门以单马锡番两山相交,若龙牙,中有水道以间之。田瘠。稻少。气候热,四五月多淫雨。俗好劫掠。昔酋长掘地而得玉冠,岁之始,以见月为正初,酋长戴冠披服受贺,今亦递相传授。男女兼中国人居之。多椎髻,穿短布衫,系青布稍。〔地〕产粗降真、斗锡。贸易之货,〔用〕赤金、青缎、花布、处瓷器、铁鼎之类。盖以山无美材,贡无异货。以通{众}〔泉〕州之贸易,皆剽窃之物也。舶往西洋,本番置之不问。回船之际,至吉利门,舶人须驾箭棚、张布幕、利器械以防之。贼舟二三百只必然来迎,敌数日,若侥幸顺风,或不遇之,否则人为所戮,货为所有,则人死系乎顷刻之间也。”----岛夷志略》(中华书局中外交通史籍丛刊苏继庼校释本,1981年,213214

(龙牙门屹立在Tanjong Berlayer Park,1850年被炸毁以加宽进入Keppel Port的水道。c.1823


关于那个“海上城市”的远古年代,还有一代一代流传下来的传说,由柔佛首相Tun Sri Lanang主持编写1612年完成的《马来纪年》(Malay Annals)是重要的参考文献之一。从神话故事看新加坡,雾里看花,增添几分想象的空间,也明白逃到柔佛重整旗鼓的马六甲王族后代强调马来政权的用意。


我的小学时代必须读新加坡历史,当时的课本是根据《马来纪年》的记载。教科书说到新加坡拉王朝的兴起,与新加坡人喜欢前去度假的印尼民丹岛(Bintan Island)还有点历史渊源。大约公元1300年,巨港王子山尼拉乌他马(San Nila Utama)从民丹岛来到淡马锡,见到一头巨兽跑过,当时随行的老人家说那是“Singa”,印度巴利文(Pali)“狮子”的意思。山尼拉乌他马是廖内女王的女婿,女王给他配备与人手,在Singapura(狮子城)建立起新加坡拉王朝。

(San Nila Utama从民丹岛乘船来到淡马锡,建立新加坡拉王朝。新加坡经历了繁荣的14世纪

山尼拉乌他马很快的便在新加坡河边的“禁山”(福康宁山,Fort Canning)建立起统治中心,四周还有石墙围着,禁止普通百姓上山。新加坡拉王朝共有五个君主:(1)山尼拉乌他马(San Nila Utama),(2Sri Vicrama Vira,(3Sri Rama Vicrama,(4Sri Maharaja,(5Raja Iskandar Shah。在这段时期,新加坡拉是个大国,各方来的商贾络绎不绝,港口人烟稠密,禁山上有花园、水池,景色优美。



1365年左右,新加坡拉王朝的末代皇帝Iskandar Shah听信谗言,误以为王妃不贞,将她处死。王妃的父亲是朝中首相,为了报复,他秘密写信给满者伯夷国王,将新加坡拉的防御情况和国家机密泄露出去,首相甚至在迎敌时打开城门,使到满者伯夷轻易地占领了新加坡拉,Iskandar Shah则逃到马来半岛,后来在马六甲重建基业。


新加坡拉王朝覆灭有另一个版本,满者伯夷洗劫新加坡拉之后就鸣金收兵,暹罗则心有不甘,再度派大兵入侵,控制新加坡拉,并设酋长来管理。当时旧港(巨港,Palembang)的王子拜里米苏拉(Parameswara,意思是the bravest man)来到新加坡,与酋长起冲突,把酋长杀死。暹罗国王大怒,派兵惩罚,拜里米苏拉撤离新加坡,辗转去到马六甲,兴建叱咤一时的马六甲王朝。后来他改名为Iskandar Shah



1822年,哥罗福Dr. John Crawfurd 第一次造访新加坡,23日的日记记录他在新加坡古镇之城墙范围内散步,他从海滩开始,大约绕着现在的政府大厦前大草场边缘,走到“一道城墙”。他沿着城墙一直走到一座山丘(福康宁山)。他又沿着新加坡河,回到起点。他估计城墙底部宽约16英尺(5米),城墙往上逐渐变得窄小。城墙的高度约八九英尺(2.4-2.7米),长度从海岸到山脚约一英里(1.6公里,靠近现在的国家博物馆),约三分二的长度与北面的小溪平行(后来小溪被开凿成史丹福河Stamford Canal)。隔年,哥罗福接替法夸(Col. William Farquhar),成为新加坡第二任驻扎官。


(当年的古城墙可能沿着今天的Stamford Road延伸)

同年1223日,新加坡第一任驻扎官法夸写信给莱佛士的秘书霍尔(Lt. L. W. Hull):“从政府山(福康宁山)向西朝向军事司令住家院子的地段至今仍未被占用。只有东北边靠近马来线路的西端部分,在我们建立新加坡前,已经有一个华人甘蜜园。”

18世纪,苏格兰船长Alexander Hamilton(1689-1723)在他的自传《A Scottish Sea Captain in Southeast Asia》写道:

"In Anno 1703 I called at Johor on my way to China, and he (Sultan Abdul Jalil) treated me very kindly, and made me a present of the Island of Singapore, but I told him it could be of no use to a private person, though a proper place for a company to settle a colony on, lying in the centre of trade, and being accommodated with good rivers and safe harbours, so conveniently situated that all winds served shipping both to go out and come into those rivers. The soil is black and fat, and the woods abound in good masts for shipping and timber for building. I have seen large beans growing wild in the woods, not inferior to the best in Europe for taste and beauty; and sugar cane five or six inches round growing wild also."

