
Wednesday, January 28, 2009




自小外婆便住在小坡马尼拉街七层楼组屋,楼下拐个弯便是奎因街(Queen Street,三马路)菜市场,再过一条马路便是四马路观音庙了。弟妹们跟着表哥在英校念书(实利基小学,Selegie School。Selegie Road 俗称七马路),为了方便上学,周日他们和母亲都住在外婆家,周末才是属于我们共处的时光。








Sunday, January 18, 2009

投奔怒海 Boat People

子贡问政,孔子说国家要安定只需三个条件:“足兵、足食、民信之矣。” 战争扭曲人性,摧毁家园。我们花大钱建立国防,就是为了避免战争。






1963年Bob Dylan的反战歌曲Blowin' in the Wind强烈反映了人们反战的心态:

How many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a man? Yes and how many seas must the white dove sail, before she sleeps in the sand? Yes and how many times must the cannon balls fly, before they’re forever banned? The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind.

摄影师Nick Ut (Ut Cong Huynh) 的越战照片,在1972年获得Pulitzer新闻照片奖。当时南越军机轰炸被越共占领的展鹏地区,一群平民和南越军人躲藏的寺庙被空投炸弹击中,众人跑到街上逃生。有个九岁大的女童严重烧伤,裸着身体边跑边哭叫着“烫啊!烫啊!”

Nick Ut把女童送到医院。女童留医14个月,动了17次手术,奇迹般生还。女童名叫潘金福Kim Phuc,1986年获准到古巴留学,Nick Ut 也找到古巴來,探望他当年救过的小女童。在那里潘金福遇到越南青年Bui Huy Tuan,1992年兩人在古巴共结连理。潘金福在1996年美国越战退伍軍人紀念日发表演说,訴说那段痛苦的战争经历,她说往者已往,来日可追,现在不会怪罪任何人。

越战退伍軍人John Plummer已成为一名牧师,公开承认当年有份策划空袭,要求与她见面,请求宽恕。

1997年潘金福成为加拿大公民、联合国亲善大使; 2000年,潘金福在加拿大成立了Kim Phuc Foundation International,致力帮助世界上受战争创伤的儿童。2008年6月30日,她在加拿大国家电台发表演说 "The Long Road to Forgiveness"。从痛苦到接受,从释怀到宽恕是一段漫长的心路历程。

How many times must a man look up before he can see the sky? Yes and how many ears must one man have before he can hear people cry? Yes and how many deaths will it take till he knows that too many people have died?

How many years can a mountain exist before it is washed to the sea? Yes and how many years can some people exist before they’re allowed to be free? Yes and how many times can a man turn his head pretending that he just doesn’t see? The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

黑暗尽头有曙光 At the end of the tunnel



早年新加坡密驼路的瑞记鸡饭名声响当当,牛车水戏院街两摊路边海南鸡饭, 其中一摊叫荣记,另一摊叫什么的,只在晚间营业,远近驰名,与今天的文东记不遑多让。想起来我的老家河畔芳园咖啡店的海南鸡饭也不赖,午饭时间人山人海,把小小的咖啡店都塞满了。



海南鸡饭起源自海南“文昌鸡”。顾名思义,文昌鸡因海南省文昌县(现已撤县设市)而得名。传统做法以 “白斩鸡”为主,至于 “鸡饭”,是农村家庭在逢年过节杀鸡还神时,用烫鸡的鸡汤煮成,再趁热把饭捏成鱼丸般大小的饭糰。








Sunday, January 04, 2009

When we met

When northeast meets southwest, what spark could it create?

When east meets west, what spark could it create?

In the article ‘ 季候风’, Sufen described the opportunities generated by the northeast and southwest monsoons at this part of the world. Such changes in wind direction brought prosperity and wealth into Southeast Asia, including Singapore. In 1861, sailed from Hong Kong to Singapore took about 7 days.

Through technology advancement, the travelling time had been shortened. In 1949, my father took 5 days to reach Singapore.

In the article‘赤道北纬一度的一颗红点’, Moses elaborated the monsoon seasons brought in different people, culture, religion, political system to a common destination and developed a place called Singapore. The uniqueness of Singapore lies in its one degree north of equator. This geographical location is where northeast meets southwest and east meets west.

I still remember my first few geography lessons in Primary 5. Teacher said Singapore was only 85 miles away from the equator. I asked what an equator was, could I feel it and touch it. Teacher asked me to go to Clifford Pier and face the sea. I would see a red line in the horizon far away which labeled ‘equator’. My classmates were laughing.

Walking to Clifford Pier from home took me about 20 minutes. That evening, I walked to Clifford Pier, facing the sea as what Teacher had directed me to do. No matter how hard I looked, there wasn’t such a red line. I was rather confuse but dared not to challenge my teacher the next day.

Nowadays travelling time is much shortened. Once upon a time, a group of us took less than 24 hours from different parts of the globe to meet at a foreign land. We were still young men and women then. Apart from our few England friends such as John, Jonathan and Rose who were brought up in the various counties of England, the rest of us were rooted in different soils. Greg and Peter from Canada, Jose, Maria and Celso from Portugal, Melanie from South Africa and migrated to Canada, Salim from Malaysia. There were others who came from Greece, Spain, Italy and Korea. My immediate neighbours were Swedish and Nigerian. In the research labs, I met people from Iran, Pakistan, India, Brazil and China.

(Picture: our destiny)

On a particular evening, these pair of Swedish couple walked to Sainsbury with us. They said the toilet paper provided by the hostel was too rough. They suffered from buttock pain. Oops, that was interesting.

My Nigeria friend and I spent our summer evening outside the hostel cafeteria under the breeze. Nigeria was a poor and a crime nation. He was pursuing a master degree in humanities. He said he would like to go back to Nigeria immediately after the course despite that many of his friends had decided to stay in England instead. He wanted to contribute back to his nation and the unlucky folks. He wanted to change their lives.

(picture: our flat in Camden Town)

(picture: our shared garden behind our flat in Camden Town)

In this international gala, the greatest divide among us was soccer matches. Our Canadian friends had not demonstrated much interest. As for the rest of us, well, we switched our roles between friends and foes for every 90 minutes. This is like the stories written by 古龙, ‘没有永远的敌人,没有永远的朋友’.

On a particular evening, we gathered at Greg’s home at Ealing Broadway, the last Underground Central Line station. Travelling in London underground was a unique experience. During the rush hour there wasn’t any private space between us. We could hear each other’s breathing, and feel each other’s body smell. More fascinatingly was the 60 over international languages that could be found in one train.

This grand finale was the only gala (apart from soccer matches) that we celebrated together. The best recollection for me was the exchanges with Melanie. She had super memory. She could remember every single family members from all of us after the brief introduction. Later I found out that she was serving as a hotel front desk officer in Cape Town. She attracted many returned customers simply because she could address them by name after their first met. And she could still remember their preferences when they met again years later.

She was quite confused between Singapore and China. Wasn’t Singapore a city of China? What language did Singaporean speak? What were the differences between Chinese Singaporean and Chinese in China? Tons of questions. My night had never been bored.

Years passed. After all the promotion effort such as Formula One, Olympic and WTO conferences, I hope Singapore is no longer a strange name in the international stage, and is no longer perceived as a province of China or a small town in Malaysia. Of course we could not change the history that modern Singapore was rooted from the China migrants since 1800s and Singapore and Malaya were inseparable.

(picture: Greg, melanie, Eugenia and I)

Food was a common subject that interested us. I told Melanie the cruel way of eating monkey’s brain. The monkey should be kept alive while breaking its skull, digging its brain and sucking its brain juice. People also ate dog meat by boiling the dog alive. In my childhood day, I saw hawkers killing python and giant turtle in China Town (Terengganu Street). Live. During my two-and-a-half years in the Army, I witnessed another way of killing and skinning a python. 7 inches from the snake head, chopped. The head surged ahead like a power-charged rocket. All were over within seconds. I also tasted the cold blood as part of the jungle survival training. It was really cold. No body temperature.

Melanie said that were disgusting. She would never eat such animals. In Africa, She ate elephant, giraffe, lion, zebra and hippo. Wow!

The grand finale gala dinner ended with ice cream. It was the best international serving and satisfied the whole world without controversy.

How about the mess after the long night? Greg and Melanie took care. By the way, Greg and Melanie were husband and wife. They still live in Vancouver, Canada.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Desaru Fruit Farm 百果园








