
Friday, March 25, 2011





人之初 性本善 性相近 习相远
苟不教 性乃迁 教之道 贵以专

天地玄黄 宇宙洪荒 日月盈昃 辰宿列张
寒来暑往 秋收冬藏 闰馀成岁 律吕调阳

天子重贤豪 文章教尔曹 万般皆下品 惟有读书高
幼小须勤学 文章可立身 满朝朱子贵 尽是读书人





1941-1944:5 (日战时期)
创校日期不明: 101




Friday, March 18, 2011

Pulau Tekong

Today’s Pulau Tekong is used exclusively as a training base for the Singapore Arm forces. It is home to the Basic Military Training Centre. In mid-1970s when I had my first camping on the island as a student, it was occupied by civilians who settled there for generations. We shared the wells with the local Malays who lived near our camp sites. I first tasted the challenge of using a bucket to scope water from the well. Also for the very first time, I saw men and women bathing themselves naked under the coconut trees.

In 1978 when I enlisted to Singapore Polytechnic, we called one of our classmates as Tekong simply because he came from Pulau Tekong. During weekdays, he stayed with his uncle in Bedok. Every morning, he caught bus number 2 to North Bridge Road, and changed to bus number 209 to Singapore Polytechnic (Dover Road campus). He had to spend more then 3 hours on public buses during school terms. During weekends, he would take a bumboat from Changi Point back to his hometown.

(Tekong's fun time. c.1979)

In 1981 when I served my national service, Pulau Tekong was occupied by a mixed of civilian residents and training troops. Pulau Tekong camp I and camp II were also used for reservists’ in-camp training for a short period during my national service days of which I was posted there as trainer for several months. Life on the island was rather boring. We had nothing better to do at night apart from gathering around the small canteen to watch TV programmes. Although the signal reception was poor, it was better than none. For many army boys, the main attraction would be to “xian-tau” with the canteen girl.

The canteen girl was about 20 years old then and like a blossom flower. She liked to wear white collarless T-shirt and green colour skirt. Sometime she pretended to be angry when being disturbed by the guys but turned to happy face once the guys apologised and bought more bottled drinks from her. The same scene kept repeating night after night. Those were the days for most of us in that growing up years.

Occasionally, we would explore the island for its beautiful nature and looked up for durians when the season was right. Most of the durian trees belonged to the local owners. It was illegal to pick those durians under their charge. We were mindful of the SAF acts and would only pick those durians at no-man land. Tekong durians were simply first class probably due to the soil and the sea breeze. They tasted better than D24.

(Pulau Tekong - places that seldom explored. According to Mr Brown who left a comment for this article, the rock of the 4th picture is Batu Berleher (rock with a neck) c.1982)

At that time, we could travel to Pulau Tekong via bumboat from Changi Point or via RPL next to the Commando Camp at Hendon Road. The travelling times for bumboat and RPL were about 25 minutes and 45 minutes, respectively. Of course our preferred travelling mode was to pay $1.50 for the bumboat so that we could spend 20 minutes more on Singapore main land. On return trips, sometime we would stop at Tekong jetty and had a sumptuous meal at Tekong Seafood Restaurant before headed back to main land.

Whether spending my days on Pulau Tekong as a trainee or as a trainer, the common denominator was no training on Thursday night. There was a rumour spreading around that on a particular Thursday night, a soldier went missing during route march. The very next day when his lifeless body was found, his internal organs were exposed, citing the speculation that it was the work of supernatural being or might be just stomach rupture. Since then, his spirit would fly around the island on every Thursday night where many soldiers claimed that they had seen what not supposed to be seen. Whether ghostly encounter did happen was questionable because soldiers started to imagine and hallucinate about thing when under certain stress conditions. Nevertheless, it had become a classic Pulau Tekong ghost story.

Pulau Tekong appears in the Franklin and Jackson's 1828 Singapore map as Po. Takung where Takung might be a direct translation from the Malay word "tukar" which carries a meaning as “change”. The early name could have arisen because Pulau Tekong served as a trading station for both residents from nearby Pulau Ubin and the state of Johor.

(Franklin and Jackson's 1828 Singapore map. Po. Takung (Pulau Tekong) is at the top right hand corner)

(Pulau Tekong - the missing scenes)

Today’s Pulau Tekong is much larger then what it used to be because of land reclamation and joining Pulau Tekong Kechil with the main Tekong island. Land reclamation work at Pulau Tekong and Pulau Tekong Kechil had caused discomfort for Malaysia. Malaysia referred the reclamation issue to International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in July 2003. Subsequently, the tribunal ordered a year-long joint study on the issue. The conflict was resolved in April 2005 following a signing of agreement between the two countries. The agreement includes modifications of the island in "Area D". The signed agreement was sent to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea for final judgment.

(Land reclamation 2003)

There are two other significant events occurred on Pulau Tekong. On 29 May 1990, national servicemen spotted a family of three runaway Asian elephants. These elephants swam 1.5 km across the Straits of Johor and landed on Pulau Tekong. On 10 June, all three elephants were captured and relocated back to the jungle in Malaysia.

In March 2004, Pulau Tekong was the hiding place for three armed robbers. They fled from Malaysia, sparking off a massive manhunt involving RSAF helicopters, commandos, ground surveillance radar, troops from the 2nd Singapore Infantry Regiment and the Singapore Police Force. All three were caught by police officers; two by members of the Gurkha Contingent and one by the Police Coast Guard. They were later charged with illegal entry to Singapore.

Friday, March 11, 2011













跟LTF谈起转业的决定,I want to design my own remaining life,有说不出的洒脱。刚从事这份爱舰爱岛爱海洋的职业的时候,适逢流行《潇洒走一回》的年代,不介意以青春换取明天。起伏间21个年头流逝,宛如经历过另一段婴儿诞生到成长的过程,确实是天地悠悠,过客匆匆。在潮起潮落中曾见证了生死白头,红尘滚滚中聚散终有时。








回首不是叫岁月停滞。相反的,回首是为了走更远的路。如今我不介意调整心态,潇洒地离开,不需带走一片云彩。过去的,似乎如呼兰河传,曾经发生在地球上某个角落的故事,很快的就会被人遗忘。 过去的,仿佛如萧军和萧红,缘聚则生,缘尽则散;时代中的小插曲,在列车轻轻摇荡后,一切都会抛在脑后,不留尘埃。


Friday, March 04, 2011


2007年9月,本着成人之美的心态,为启志学校一群老人制作一份喜相逢特辑,担任义务摄影师兼专辑制作人。启志学校位于Paya Lebar大成巷,五十年前关闭,半世纪后竟能奇迹般地找到整四十名同学,聚集一堂。自此他们每一年农历新年期间在Chin Swee Road红星酒楼捞起,半世纪后延续前缘。












郑振文老先生以19世纪的意大利为借镜,为大家上了一节历史课。意大利是古罗马帝国的核心,文艺复兴运动的发源地,欧洲资本主义的摇篮。但是,自从中世纪以来,它曾长期陷入四分五裂、内乱不息的局面。从16世纪起,西班牙、奥地利和法国先后入侵意大利。意大利人民为争取民族独立和国家统一,经历了几个世纪的英勇斗争。1815年维也纳会议后,意大利被肢解为八个封建邦国和地区,除撒丁王国外,均直接或间接受奥地利统治。1848至1870年间意大利人民反抗奥地利统治,争取民族独立和国家统一,前后发动三次意大利独立战争(The Wars of Italian Independence ),最终在1870年获得胜利,使意大利摆脱长期受外族压迫和分裂割据的局面。

