
Friday, February 21, 2025



马林百列(Marine Parade)是本地第一个兴建在海上的市镇,2万多人安居在7000多户组屋单位。第一代居民向往高楼看海的日子,但见商船熙熙攘攘,风和日丽时可眺望廖内群岛。公共楼房竟然有海景,阳光、大海和沙滩为伴,确实是个梦寐以求的“度假”胜地。





对于第一代居民来说,最不便利的就是缺少公共设施。那是因为新市镇分两期发展,第一期着重于兴建房屋,第二期才发展邻里商店、小贩中心、诊疗所、邮政局、百汇广场等设施。出行方面,居民必须走到东海岸路(East Coast Road)搭乘公交, 过了一年多巴士才开进组屋区。上世纪80年代兴建地铁, 30多年后汤东线来到马林百列和马林台(Marine Terrace)地铁站。马林台是第一批完工配售的组屋,如今见证地铁开通,可谓守得云开见月明。





组屋高楼看海,商船熙熙攘攘,右方为从前的东海岸水上遊乐场(Big Splash)。


马林百列初发展时可见狭长的填土地带。图源:HDB annual report 1972。

19721976年这几年间,但见填土地带高楼涌现。发展组屋期间,建屋发展局同时兴建海皇阁(Neptune Court)中等入息公寓(简称HUDC),让收入较高的公务员申请。那个年代申请组屋的月薪顶限为1500元,因此催生中等入息公寓,成为现代执行公寓(EC)的先行者。 

发展组屋期间,建屋发展局同时兴建海皇阁(Neptune Court)中等入息公寓,让收入较高的公务员申请。


从前马林百列海岸线地标包括中华游泳会、振裕园(Mandalay Villa)、甘榜安柏(马来乡村,现在的Amber Residences 公寓)、海景酒店(现在的The Seaview公寓)、加东圣婴女校(CHIJ Katong Convent)、圣伯特理中学(St Patrick’s School)等,如今这条昔日海岸线距离海滩越来越远。

马林百列路与纳乐路(Nallur Road)交界的实乞纳地铁站旁,尚未拆除的古老围墙建在从前的沙滩上,围墙背后曾经是陈六使公子陈永义(Tan Eng Ghee)的豪宅。 新马合并时期,印尼特工多次在新马两地进行破坏,这道海墙被部分炸毁后重新修复。

马林百列路与纳乐路(Nallur Road)交界,实乞纳地铁站旁的海墙。



马林百列路和安柏路(Amber Road)交界的交通圈,是消失的安柏路29号振裕园所在地。振裕园原为李俊源(亦写成李浚源)与陈德娘(李俊源夫人)的住家,陈德娘活动频繁,时常在家开派对,与陈秋娘(郑连德夫人)、李珠娘(本地第一位女医生)等创办华人妇女协会并担任会长、为华族助产妇提供奖学金,成立新加坡女子学校(Singapore Girls School)基金等。李俊源去世后,陈德娘继续以丈夫名义行善。


画家笔下的振裕园 Mandalay Garden。


昔日振裕园近邻是一栋门柱写着“Seabreeze No 37”(海风37号)的百年老屋,这座海滨平房建于 1898 年,是蔡金吉(Choa Kim Keat)家族世代相传的度假别墅。上世纪70 年代填海造地之前,大门距离海边仅 5 米之遥。

海风37号百年老屋,初落成时距离海边仅 5 米之遥。









20世纪初,一些欧亚人来到加东一带定居,创建圣伯特理中学和圣家堂(Church of the Holy Family)。如今欧亚人协会的会所也在附近落户,会所内设立欧亚人文化馆,已故薛尔思总统的淡马锡勋章乃镇馆之宝之一,大家还可在会所内的餐馆享用传统欧亚人美食呢!

欧亚人创建,历史悠久的圣伯特理中学(St Patrick’s School)。

20多年前在原地重建的圣家堂,玫瑰花窗镶嵌着中世纪创作风格的彩绘玻璃,那是当代法国 Vitrail Saint-Georges 工作坊的作品。从1980年代开始,圣家堂在农历新年除夕夜为峇峇娘惹族群主持独特的午夜弥撒,女教徒身穿沙笼卡巴雅,男教徒则峇迪上衣长裤,出席简单肃穆,全程以峇峇马来语进行的贺年仪式。




马林百列路与实乞纳路交界处,有个马来风味浓厚的小区。现代化的实乞纳甘榜回教堂(Masjid Kampung Siglap)保留昔日的甘榜建筑风格,开办课程教导学生 背诵《可兰经》的特别技巧,同时了解经文的故事和教义。

实乞纳甘榜回教堂(Masjid Kampung Siglap)保留昔日的甘榜建筑风格。

甘榜实乞纳回教堂的近邻,是一所爪哇风格的新加坡印度尼西亚学校(Sekolah Indonesia SingapuraSIS),成立背景可追溯至新马合并与分家的年代。印尼怀疑英国在背后指使西马、东马和新加坡合并成为马来西亚,最终目的是并吞婆罗洲,因此产生武力对抗。对抗局面随着新加坡独立而告终,新加坡与印尼建立正式外交关系。


爪哇风格的新加坡印度尼西亚学校(Sekolah Indonesia Singapura)。




马林百列发展时期所建造的东海岸水上遊乐场(Big Splash)乃本地极限运动的前身,规模在亚洲仅次于日本,约七层楼的滑水梯则全世界数一数二。这类活动再“极限”也毕竟有限,尤其是当越来越多年轻人接受军训、外展学校等训练后,滑水梯已失去吸引力,原地由餐馆取代,如今再度转型为免费开放的儿童乐园(Coastal PlayGrove)。

至于全力打造的东海岸人工湖,面积相等于30个奥林匹克标准游泳池,因太过安全而不受欢迎,最终成为专供缆绳滑水(CableSki)的新加坡滑浪公园(Singapore Wake Park)。缆绳滑水指的是在固定的高塔之间架起缆绳,电动马达牽动滑手在水中滑行和进行各种花式动作。

新加坡滑浪公园(Singapore Wake Park),滑手由电动马达牽动在水中滑行。

东海岸极限滑轮公园(Xtreme Skatepark)则是滑板爱好者的天堂,它是亚洲地区少数符合国际比赛标准的滑轮公园之一。平缓的斜坡,小型跳台和低矮台阶适合新手, 3.6 米深的垂直碗则让老手征服恐惧感,进一步挑战自己。


东海岸极限滑轮公园(Xtreme Skatepark)是滑板爱好者的天堂,也是亚洲地区少数符合国际比赛标准的滑轮公园之一。



随着气候变化,估计到了本世纪末,海平面将上升一米,若同时遇上涨潮和风暴,海水可能覆盖沿海地区。未来几十年,东海岸水域将出现人造长岛(Long Island)来保护国人的家园。






Alvin Chua, Marine Parade, SINGAPORE INFOPEDIA, NLB Singapore, accessed 18 February 2024.

Design and good planning make all the difference, The Straits Times, 2 March 1984.

Kenneth Goh, Yaohan (Singapore), SINGAPORE INFOPEDIA, accessed 19 February 2024.

“Lee Plans a Super Eton-Style Boarding School,” Straits Times, 3 May 1965.

Mandalay Villa, SINGAPORE INFOPEDIA, accessed 21 February 2024.

Marine Parade Sea Breeze Lodge, Remember Singapore, accessed 11 March 2024.

Shabana Begum, Reclaimed from the sea: How East Coast and Marine Parade came to be, The Straits Times 28 November 2023.

Singapore. Parliament, Budget, Ministry of Education, cols. 467–469, 1965.

The Marine Parade public housing estate, accessed 18 February 2024.



Friday, February 14, 2025

Cycling Buona Vista

Get on a bicycle to explore the sites and spaces traversed by the invading and defending forces during the final days of the Battle for Singapore in 1942.

The NHB’s annual WW2 event Battle for Singapore in 1942 usually happened from mid-February to early March. For 2024, Gerilynn Yee (NHB),  John Kwok (ex-NHB) and I jointly planned a cycling program to learn about the wartime stories and military tactics for the Buona Vista to the Pasir Panjang defence line. Together we turned an exciting concept into reality as we retraced portions of the route the forces took in this southwestern region of Singapore.  

The cycling route started at the meeting point Buona Vista MRT Station Exit A (the same as Exit B and C) and ended at Haw Par Villa. The total distance was about 12 km and it took 2 to 2.5 hours depending on the fitness of the participants.

Cycling Route Map. Credit: Gerilynn Yee, NHB

Buona Vista

South Buona Vista is commonly known as “99 bends”(九曲十三弯) by local Chinese-speaking seniors to reflect the winding South Buona Vista Road. The road was once fashionably known as “The Gap” in English up to the 1970s. Interestingly, the Pasir Panjang Ridge and the hilly terrains here have a break in between. The naming of The Gap probably came from this break.

Buona Vista was a much larger compound than it is today. It included the entire Dover area and Kent Ridge which houses HDB flats, Singapore Polytechnic, National University of Singapore and Haw Par Villa today.

View from Buona Vista MRT Station Exit A.


Military installations at Pasir Panjang (Reference: Pasir Panjang, SINGAPORE INFOPEDIA, accessed 1 February 2024)

In 1878, following the British review of Singapore’s military defences, Fort Pasir Panjang (Labrador Battery) at Labrador and Fort Siloso (Siloso Battery) on nearby Pulau Blakang Mati (Sentosa island) was set up to guard the entrance of New Harbour (now Keppel Harbour). The guns at these Batteries were said to have been active against the Japanese in the southwestern sector of Singapore during the last battles in 1942.

Labrador Battery.

Defending southwestern sector  (Reference: SINGAPORE IN WORLD WAR II, A HERITAGE TRAIL, National Heritage Board)

After the fall of Malaya, LG Percival established an all-round perimeter defence plan for Singapore.

The southwestern sector, once known as Buona Vista which included Pasir Panjang Ridge, was assigned to the Malay Regiment and the Straits Settlements Volunteer Force (SSVF). This sector held key installations including ammunition depots, oil depots and the British Military Hospital (today’s Alexandra Hospital).


Japanese 18th Division attacking Buona Vista [Written by Dr John Kwok]

On 11 Feb 1942, the Japanese 5th Division advanced northeast of Bukit Timah Village to the Bukit Timah Rifle Range and the Racecourse. At the same time, the Japanese 18th Division advanced along Jurong Road and defeated all British resistance to reach Reformatory Road (renamed Clementi Road after the war).

The two divisions assembled for a drive south to Singapore City, which commenced once their artillery elements had completed crossing the Johor Straits and had moved into position to support their advance.

By this time the British forces had been fighting a defensive action since the Japanese landed in Singapore on 9 Feb 1942. Those on the front had little rest, units were dispersed, and there was little coordination on the ground to muster the scattered units into a united fighting front. Only the Australian 8th Division managed to reorganise themselves in a defensive front at Tyersall Road/Botanical Gardens/Dempsey Barracks area.

Where the Bouna Vista MRT is today, was the westernmost edge of the Australian defence lines.

On the other hand, the Japanese concentrated their forces in their drive towards Singapore City. However, at the command level, the three divisions competed to be the first to reach the city. It was a matter of pride for the Japanese division commanders.

The Japanese avoided a frontal assault against the Australian lines. Perhaps learning from their fighting experience against the Japanese, the Australians strengthened their flanks against enemy infiltration. The Japanese did not attempt infiltration as they would likely encounter fierce resistance from the Australians.

The Japanese did not want to attack a well-defensive position because their main goal was to occupy the city area to force the British to surrender. Therefore, they chose a route that was more thinly defended. 

The Japanese 18th Division advanced along Reformatory Road to the western coast and Pasir Panjang Road in a strategic outflanking manoeuvre. The Japanese 5th Division would attempt to advance more directly to the city along Bukit Timah Road.


Battle of Opium Hill (Reference: Battle of Opium Hill, SINGAPORE INFOPEDIA, accessed 1 February 2024, SINGAPORE IN WORLD WAR II, A HERITAGE TRAIL, National Heritage Board)

Southwest battles map produced based on Singapore Historical Map (NUS) 1945.

On the morning of 13 February, the battle for the Southwest sector (commonly known as the battle of Pasir Panjang) commenced with an intense Japanese aerial and artillery bombardment of the Malay Regiment’s positions, inflicting heavy casualties and disrupting telephone communications.

The 1st Battalion’s A Company was depleted and forced to withdraw from its advance positions.

In the afternoon, the Japanese 18th Division attacked the 2nd Battalion Loyal Regiment at Point 270. The 2nd Battalion critically short of ammunition, was retreated through the Gap. The loss of Point 270 exposed the C Company at Pasir Panjang Village to Japanese attacks.

C Company, strengthened by the remaining soldiers of A Company, held the Pasir Panjang Village crossroads against the Japanese. The Japanese set fire to the nearby forested areas and set up a mortar position to bombard the Malay Regiment defenders.

The battles on 13 February caused four officers reported killed and eight wounded along with a “considerable” number of casualties from other ranks from the 1st Battalion. The much-depleted 2nd Battalion became a brigade reserve and moved to Alexandra Brickworks.

By midnight on 13 February, the 1st Battalion C Company left Pasir Panjang Village to take up a new defensive position at Opium Hill. B Company was deployed to cover the approaches to Buona Vista Village. D Company held the Labrador area. C and D Companies were separated by a drain of burning oil that flowed from the nearby Normanton Oil Depot. The oil storage tanks had been set ablaze on 10 February 1942 by enemy action.

On 14 February morning, The Japanese bombarded Malay Regiment positions. In the afternoon, they launched a simultaneous attack along Buona Vista Road and Pasir Panjang Road.

The heroism of C Company, 1st Battalion and 2nd Lieutenant Adnan Saidi in their battles against the Japanese at Bukit Chandu were often highlighted. Adnan foiled Japanese attempts to disguise themselves as Punjabi troops. Soldiers of the British Army typically marched in a line of three columns while the supposed Punjabi soldiers in front of their lines were moving in a line of four columns. C Company killed 22 disguised Japanese soldiers and wounded many others.

2nd Lieutenant Adnan Saidi

The final assault on Bukit Chandu resulted in hand-to-hand fighting and only a few members of the Malay Regiment managed to escape. Adnan inspired his men to fight till the last soldier. He was killed together with many of his fellow soldiers in the major defensive battle. The Malay Regiment lost 159 men (6 British officers, 7 Malay officers and 146 other ranks) and suffered a large number of wounded.

LG Percival paid tribute to the Malay Regiment, “These young and untried soldiers acquitted themselves in a way which bore comparison with the very best troops in Malaya”, setting “an example for steadfastness and endurance which will become a great tradition in the Regiment and an inspiration for future generations”.


Burning oil from Normanton Oil Depot impacted on retreating [Written by John Kwok]

The Normanton Oil Depot was one of the main oil reserves of Malaya Command. On 10 February 1942, Japanese artillery hit the depot, setting it alight.

The artillery attack was likely part of support actions for the Japanese infantry advancing along Kent Ridge Park, or Pasir Panjang Ridge.

Despite the fierce defence of the C Company, the Japanese overran their positions. Four soldiers led by an officer attempted to fall back but were trapped between the Japanese and a deep 20-foot wide drain that was flowing with oil that was burning. They leapt the drain and as a result, three of them were badly burned and injured but managed to reach friendly lines at Alexandra Road/Gillman Barracks.  Two fell into the drain and did not survive. 

Normanton Oil Depot (background) and Alexandra Hospital (British Military Hospital in foreground). c.1950s. Source: National Archive of Singapore.

The canal flows from Normanton Park (high-rise buildings afar) through HortPark.


Greenway, the southern rail corridor

The cycling trip gathered at Buona Vista MRT Station Exit A (it is the same as Exit B and C). All participants pushed their bikes supplied by event company S-Lite Group to the Greenway rail corridor (Ghim Moh access) and started the 2.5-hour discovery journey. The rail corridor passed by North Buona Vista, Tanglin Halt, Masjid Hang Jebat, Alexandra Hospital (side) and Queensway. The exit point of this part of the journey was the Alexandra Road Exit. Participants pushed their bikes up 3 flights of stairs with bicycle gutter. They continued their journey to Gillman Barracks, HortPark, Pasir Panjang Park, Pasir Panjang Pillbox and Haw Par Villa.

Rail corridors carried some significance during the war. During the occupation period, the Japanese military government transported POWs (prisoners of war) and civilians through the railway to Thailand for the construction of the Death Railway.  Around 90,000 civilians and more than 12,000 allied POWs died as a result.

Greenway, the Southern rail corridor.


Alexandra Hospital (British Military Hospital) (Written by John Kwok)

Alexandra Hospital (British Military Hospital) was opened in 1940 as the main hospital for British military personnel. It was described as “one of the largest and most up-to-date military hospitals outside Britain. The hospital was handed over to the Singapore government by the British forces when they pulled out from Singapore on 15 September 1971.

On 14 February 1942 around the time of the battle at Pasir Panjang Ridge, a contingent of Japanese soldiers advanced down Ayer Rajah Road. At 1 pm, they entered Alexandra Hospital and killed several medical officers and patients. 200 of them who survived the first wave of killings were tied into groups of eight.

Alexandra Hospital is designated as a National Monument.

The Japanese marched them out of the hospital grounds, across Ayer Rajah Road and were locked up in a building with three small rooms near the Sisters’ Mess. The rooms were crammed and lacked ventilation, causing many deaths.

Three months after the end of World War Two, the British launched a series of investigations into war crimes committed by the Japanese. It led to the establishment of the Singapore War Crimes Tribunal to put on trial Japanese suspected of committing atrocities during WWII on POWs and civilians in former Japanese Occupied areas in Southeast Asia and the southwest Pacific islands.

In Singapore, the war crimes investigations into the Alexandra Hospital Massacre proved to be difficult. While the massacre was not in dispute, it proved difficult to identify the perpetrators or masterminds of the tragedy.

The investigators attempted to put Lieutenant-General MUTAGUCHI Renya on trial. He was the commander of the Japanese 18th Division, operating in the area during the battle of Singapore. The investigators argued that the Japanese troops responsible for the war crime were most likely the forward troops from Mutaguchi’s division.

By April 1946, the evidence gathered was still insufficient to pinpoint and identify a person responsible for the atrocities. Furthermore, the testimonies given by survivors of the massacre gave details of the event that could not be corroborated, which made it difficult for the investigator and the prosecuting team to put up a strong case. The investigations lasted more than a year and the case was eventually dropped in July 1947.


Gillman Barracks (Written by John Kwok)

Once a jungle and swamp, the site of Gillman Barracks became a military camp in 1936. It housed the 1st Battalion, the Middlesex Regiment, which boosted the British army’s infantry in Singapore. The barracks had various facilities, such as mess halls, sports fields and married quarters. The 2nd Battalion Loyal Regiment later occupied the camp. The battalion was originally deployed to defend the junction of Reformatory Road and Ayer Rajah Road.

On 12 Feb 1942, the battalion came under heavy artillery attack from Japanese forces. Exposed, the battalion withdrew along Ayer Rajah Road.

On 13 Feb 1942, the 2nd Battalion took up positions in their home barracks in anticipation of a Japanese attack. B Company was deployed at today’s SP Jain School of Global Management. C and D Company was further south where the former Tiger Brewery was sited. A Company was at the Sergeants Mess building in Gillman Barracks.

Gillman Barracks.

SP Jain School of Global Management


On 15 February, after taking Pasir Panjang Ridge, the Japanese attempted to advance into the Alexandra area held by the Loyal Regiment. After an artillery barrage, the Japanese launched a direct assault on B Company’s position but could not break through the defences. They then switched their attack further south against the Loyal Regiment’s C and D Company that had dug in at the Malayan Pacific Brewery (present-day Alexandra Point). 

The Japanese rushed to occupy the high ground that overlooked the brewery. They directed fire against C and D Company and inflicted heavy casualties. Soon it became no longer tenable to hold their positions, and the three companies were withdrawn with A Company stationed at Gillman Barracks providing cover fire. The men from the three companies successfully withdraw to a camp 400 meters west of the Ordnance Depot. The three companies were reduced to just a fighting force of two platoons. This was one of the final actions of the war before the British surrendered later that day.

Gillman Barracks road map 1966.

Alexandra Barracks (Written by John Kwok)

The former Alexandra Barracks was constructed in the early 1900s to defend the naval outpost in Singapore and protect British Far East interests. The earliest houses dated from around 1905 to 1906 while the majority were constructed in the 1930s for senior medical staff in the Royal Army Medical Corps working in Alexandra Military Hospital.

The site of Hort Park was near the Alexandra Barracks, Alexandra Brickworks and Malayan Breweries. This site features many black and white bungalows and other bungalows from the colonial period. It still retains many of these bungalows today.

We learn from eyewitness accounts that groups of patients were marched off from Alexandra Hospital, across the railway line, across Ayer Rajah Road (an expressway today), and forced into a storage hut in one of the bungalows. They were left there overnight, without water and proper ventilation. Many died standing. Those who survived were taken out in groups and shot. A stray artillery shell damaged a part of the wall, enabling some of the men to escape. Their accounts, especially a clear description of the storage hut were vital. We were able to identify the area where they were held captive, and where the massacre took place, which is somewhere on Canterbury Road. 

Black and white bungalow, Canterbury Road, Alexandra Park. Former Alexandra Barracks.


Malayan Breweries Limited (The site of Alexandra Point. Reference: The bear train from the anchor brewery,  accessed 21 December 2023)

Malayan Breweries Limited (MBL) was formed in 1932 to produce Tiger Beer. MBL won the bid to buy over Archipelago Brewery Company (ABC) and operated the brewery in 1941, following Britain's declared war on Germany after the German invasion of Poland in September 1939. The brewery changed hands once again following the Japanese occupation.

Dai Nippon, the producer of Asahi Beer in Japan, was tasked to operate the brewery from late 1942.

Alexandra Point (pyramid top) at the right of the photo sitting on the former site of Malayan Breweries.


The Alexandra Brickworks (the site of Mapletree Business City. Reference: Battle of Opium Hill, SINGAPORE INFOPEDIA, accessed 1 February 2024 )

The Alexandra Brickworks was capable of producing 1,500,000 bricks a month before WWII. When Singapore fell in 1942, the Japanese renamed it Syonan Renga Kogyo (昭南炼瓦工场).

According to the Syonan Times on 22 November 1942, the number of staff remained the same as the pre-war days. About 300 workers worked in a highly stressed environment to meet the massive demand for bricks supplied to various parts of Singapore.

After taking Pasir Panjang Ridge, Japanese forces advanced into the Alexandra area. At dusk, D Company successfully ambushed Japanese troops marching down Pasir Panjang Road near the Alexandra Brickworks area. This would be the Malay Regiment’s last combat before the British surrender on 15 February 1942.

Mapletree Business City sitting on the site of the former Alexandra Brickworks.


Opium processing factory (the site of Singapore Storage and Warehouse Pte Ltd)

From the HortPark Canterbury Road looking at the canal towards Normanton Park, on the left is the Singapore Storage and Warehouse Pte Ltd built on the original site of Pepys Road Opium Processing Factory.

Singapore Storage and Warehouse Pte Ltd was built on the original site of Pepys Road Opium Processing Factory.


Three months after the fall of Singapore, social order had been restored. The opium processing factory on Pepys Road resumed production and employed more than a hundred employees, mostly women. Raw opium imported from India was boiled and poured into small round tin tubes, which were then packaged and sold. The tubes were made in the factory's moulds and were divided into two, four and six hoon (hoon is , one hoon is about 0.38 grams). Opium was formally banned after the war.

Pepys Road Opium factory. Harrison Forman Collection. University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.

Pasir Panjang Park Container Shelter 1 and 2 (Written by John Kwok)

Pasir Panjang Park which includes Container Shelter 1 and 2 is built on reclaimed land. The original coastline was near and along the present-day West Coast Highway.

PSA Horizon is next to Container Shelter 1


Container Shelter 2


Pasir Panjang Road once skirted along the original coastline of Singapore. This cycling route would have been underwater in 1942. But this allows us to visualise the Japanese advance towards Singapore City in February 1942. After moving down Reformatory Road (present-day Clementi Road), the Japanese forces met up with those coming down from West Coast Road at Pasir Panjang Village, turned east and used the Pasir Panjang Road to advance towards Singapore City. Why?

This road was lightly defended by the British. Furthermore, the defences along this road faced the sea, and the defenders would not be ready for attack from their rear. A Company,  1st Battalion Malay Regiment was deployed about 1 km north of Pasir Panjang Village. The rest of the battalion’s companies were deployed at other junctions along the road. Therefore, this stretch of road was thinly held by company-size units and could hardly hold up for long against the much larger battalion-size Japanese advance.

Pasir Panjang Village c.1930s. Source unknown.


PSA Port Terminal @Pasir Panjang (Written by John Kwok)

The Pasir Panjang Port Terminal started operations in 2000 with 26 berths. It is operated by PSA International, one of two port operators in Singapore (the other is Jurong Port). The Pasir Panjang Port Terminal only handles container cargo.

The port terminal is at the end of its life; port operations are scheduled to be relocated to the Tuas Mega Port by 2027, and the port closed by 2040.  

Pasir Panjang Port Terminal


Pasir Panjang Pillbox (Written by John Kwok)

In the early 1930s, the British constructed concrete pillboxes along West Coast Road to improve the coastal defences along the west coast. By this time, Singapore was well defended by coastal forts armed with large calibre guns that could engage and defeat enemy ships out at sea. However, the coastal forts were vulnerable against fast enemy boats that could land soldiers on the coast and outside the range of the fort’s weapons and launch attacks against the fort’s less protected rear. This led to the construction of machine-gun pillboxes along the west coast to protect the fort’s blindside.

The pillboxes were made of concrete and could accommodate up to two machine guns. The pillboxes were sited approximately 550 meters providing an effective overlapping machine gun that could defeat enemy landings. Most of the pillboxes were demolished progressively after the war.

The Pasir Panjang pillbox lies within the area defended by the Malay Regiment. They may have used it in their fierce resistance against the Japanese 18th Division.

Pasir Panjang Pillbox


Haw Par Villa

Haw Par Villa, originally comprised of a villa and a large garden, was designed by architect Ho Kwang Yew. The compound was a gift from Mr Aw Boon Haw to his younger brother Mr Aw Boon Par. They were rich businessmen who built their fortune on the famous Tiger Balm ointment.

Pillbox in front of Haw Par Villa. It was one of those progressively demolished after the war.

During World War II, the compound suffered extensive damage but the garden survived. Aw Boon Haw rebuilt the garden with custom-made statues featuring Chinese culture and virtues. The “Courts of Hell” and “Journey to the West” were notable statuaries added to the garden.

Aw Boon Haw fled to Hong Kong during the war while his brother stayed in Singapore until he closed the factory and went to Rangoon.

Haw Par Villa, the endpoint of Cycling Buona Vista.



The battle of the southwest sector had little strategic significance. It could not change the eventual fate of Singapore. The two battalions were simply tasked with defending the approach. However, it turned out to resist the main invasion force. Holistically, the defence strategy for the “fortified island” was completely messed up. This part of the sector was mainly defended by the locals and is a reminder of the importance of national defence.