
Friday, June 28, 2019

新加坡的桥梁: 历史与趣闻 Interesting facts of the Bridges in Singapore

2018年12月2日,鼎艺团的华乐音乐会演出《乐·影·桥》 ,通过默片与影像来配合音乐。我参与了6座桥梁的故事制作。


On 2 December 2018, Dingyi Music Company Limited presented "Of Music and Photography: Bridge" at the Esplanade Recital Studio. I involved in the production of screen play. 

We often think of bridge as a tool. It serves as a meeting point between people, a link-way connecting two ends, and a medium that fills the gap. In different cultures, a bridge is more than just a connection; it can be a means of refuge, a highway to a new beginning, or a landmark that we remember. But, what does ‘bridge’ mean to you?

1. 安德逊桥 Anderson Bridge (1910)


Anderson Bridge, the first steel bridge in Singapore, was built in 1910 to cope with growing traffic in the city. The bridge is named after Sir John Anderson, the Governor of the Straits Settlements at that time.

(安德逊桥 Anderson Bridge)

(夜色下的安德逊桥 Anderson Bridge by night)

2. 新柔长堤 Causeway (1923)


The Causeway linking Singapore and Johor Bahru is usually congested. Prior to its existence about a century ago, ferries had to be operated round the clock. The Causeway had a lift-bridge to cater for vessel traffic but was destroyed during Japanese invasion. The lift bridge was permanently closed after the war.

(在新山看一公里长的长堤 Causeway viewed from Johor Bahru)

(二战前的长堤有一座吊桥 The Causeway had a lift-bridge prior to WW2. Photo credit: NAS)

3. 樟宜步行桥 Changi Footbridge(1942年以前)

Changi Footbridge stretches across the river that flows into Changi Creek. It is probably one of the narrowest bridges in Singapore. The footbridge is usually crowded with leisure fisher and curious watcher during weekends.  This is the spot not to be missed if you enjoy watching bumboats come and go. 

(樟宜码头的驳船,背景为樟宜步行桥 Bumboats at Changi Jetty. Changi Footbridge is at the background)

(樟宜步行桥上看着驳船离开港口 Bumboats departing Changi Jetty viewed from Changi Footbridge)

4. 螺旋桥 Helix Bridge (2010) 

280米的螺旋桥是新加坡最长的行人天桥,也是世界上首座双螺旋结构的人行弯桥。螺旋桥的设计灵感来自DNA 的结构,不过它是“左螺旋”,而不是正常DNA的右螺旋。螺旋桥也用作室外展览,让年轻的本土艺术家展示他们的杰作。

The world's first curved double helix bridge is also the longest pedestrian bridge in Singapore. The DNA-inspired design is intentionally left handed, which is the opposite of normal DNA. The bridge also functions as an outdoor gallery that displays artwork by local youths.

(在桥底看螺旋桥 Helix Bridge viewed from the water)

5. 双溪路,结霜桥 Sungei Road (1930s)

Sungei Road means “River Road”, running alongside the Rochor River.  For more than 80 years, it has been synonymous with the oldest flea market which was permanently closed on 10 July 2017.  The Chinese name, “结霜桥”, was derived from Singapore Ice Works who is the pioneer that brought refrigeration to Singapore.

(结霜桥因梧槽河畔的新加坡制冰厂而得名 Sungei Road means River Road. Its Chinese name was derived from Singapore Ice Works)

6. 行人天桥 Overhead Bridge (since 1964)


There are about 50 pedestrian overhead bridges in Singapore. The first overhead bridge was built over the Collyer Quay in 1964. Overhead bridges used to be simply constructed for safe crossing. The new generation of bridges come with sheltered walkways, ramps and lifts. They are also beautified like a sky garden. 

(芳林公园前的天桥上种植了九重葛 Overhead bridge in front of Hong Lim Park is decorated with flowers)

(1964年,红灯码头前出现新加坡第一座行人天桥 Singapore’s first overhead bridge in Collyer Quay in 1964. Photo credit:


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