
Friday, March 26, 2010


印象中童年的红灯码头(Clifford Pier)是个繁忙的港口,自1933年使用以来,便担负着海路运输迎来送往的重要使命。后来随着时代的发展,新加坡兴建起更加庞大而现代化的港口,红灯码头的任务简化成为小型游船服务,往返南部岛屿之间。


由于近在咫尺的Johnston's Pier(1854-1933)年久失修,殖民地政府在1927年开始动工兴建红灯码头来取代。据说1933年6月3日红灯码头开幕时,被本地商人抵制,要求恢复原名。至于Clifford Pier的俗名红灯码头,原自指引船只靠岸用的一盏红灯。

(1890年代的Johnston Pier)

(1890年代的Johnston Pier)

(1900年代的Johnston Pier)










Friday, March 19, 2010


泰麟对上一篇博文High Street Story中的照片,从乍看之下的浮光掠影到后来慢慢印象回流,是一个回忆的过程。

High Street Story追述的是上世纪七十年代的点滴,年华似水,转眼已近四十载;对我而言似乎恍如昨日的一情一景,对泰麟来说是将近半世纪前的经历。随着年华老去,过去已经显得模糊,每一段回忆都不再那么顺手摘来。

提起High Street(谐街),泰麟回忆起“水仙门”。记得小时候为泰麟写信封粘邮票,寄信回唐山,信封背后便写上“新嘉坡水仙门二马路……”。今天,“水仙门”已经逐渐在人们的脑海里消失,听得懂水仙门的,大概已届人间白头了。

当年问泰麟我们居住的地方是二马路(禧街,Hill Street),可是为什么不叫大坡二马路也不叫小坡二马路,偏偏叫水仙门二马路?还有在学校,新加坡的加,是加减乘除的加,写信回中国,却得用嘉奖的嘉?



严格说来,新加坡河是大坡小坡的分水岭。站在蔼仁桥上( Elgin Bridge,后来也叫爱琴桥和埃尔金桥),桥的南岸是大坡,桥的北岸是小坡,短短的爱仁桥,在当年莱佛士城市规划蓝图中举足轻重。水仙门在河的北岸,自然属于小坡。不过历史与民情却不把是非黑白分得这么清楚,水仙门有名气,自成一格,不归属于大坡与小坡,成为两坡之间的灰色地带。










水仙门这本地华人地名俗称很大可能是跟福建泉州市的旧地名有关, 早在宋代在泉州设市舶司(管理港务的机关)时,海关设在南薰门内,南薰门又名水门或水仙门,那里因附近一座水仙宫得名。 

水仙宫, 供奉的是水仙尊王(水仙王),是贸易商人和船员的海上保护神之一。各地供奉的各有不同,但以善于治水的禹为主。

我的看法是”水仙门“于是成为泉州的上岸入口的代称,随着海洋贸易的展开,到了明代在马六甲也有一处”水仙门“的俗称, 19世纪新加坡开埠后这民间对登陆口岸的俗称也来跟着来到新加坡。




Friday, March 12, 2010

High Street Story

During the 2010 budget debate, National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan (MBT) recounting his childhood years growing up in various housing types (The Straits Times. Mar 6, 2010),

'When I was young, I lived in various places with my mother, who was a domestic servant. I lost my father when I was three years old, so we moved around a lot.

We stayed in a kampong in Lorong Ah Soo, …..I still remember where the kampong house was…..Then we moved to a shop house in High Street. My mum was working for a High Street merchant at that time. Today, that is where the MTI (Ministry of Trade and Industry) and MOF (Ministry of Finance) are (in The Treasury building)…..’

High Street, Sunday morning, 1977

You may not agree on his way of managing housing. You may also wonder if he could score another decisive victory in his political career if so decided to serve another term. However, MBT had worked hard and pulled himself out of poverty. His story is also the common story of many local of my generation.

MBT implemented a series of controversial public housing policies in the mid 2000s e.g. reduced the resale levy and relaxed the occupancy rules. The changes would possibly serve the multiple frontiers: (1) They aimed at the "upgraders" in order to generate more income for HDB; (2) solve the over supply problems in some remote areas such as Jurong West; (3) attract a critical mass to those under-development sectors like Punggol; (4) fulfill other economical and political agenda such as sustaining the domestic construction and renovation industries, and winning votes from the heart-landers.

In so doing, MBT broke away from the long-standing guiding principle of providing affordable public housing for the mass and ventured into high-end products. The public housing is closing the gap with the private. To show his support, PM Lee had been repeatedly telling the public that this move enabled a steady housing price appreciation and cumulated wealth for our citizen.

The series of new policies were like a double-edge sword. In the budget debate, MBT attempted to explain the housing price hike was not due to the popular reasons cited by many people. He used various statistics to show that the influence from PR and investors were insignificance. Realistically, HDB had to battle with many evolving challenges. Apart from unreasonable expectations from the youth, there was an overhang of 31,000 unsold flats following the 1997-98 Asian currency collapse. It took a decade to clear that. Pent-up demand after the 2003 SARS period and the 2008 banking meltdown created what now appears to be a supply shortfall.

The recent open criticism from MM Lee led to a series of market cooling measures from MBT. However, it was not certain if the cooling measures were drawer plans that prepared much earlier, or they were established and implemented as a result of the wakeup call.

MM Lee's criticism may also be viewed as a political move of dissociating the government from MBT. It had successfully directed the people's attention to MBT. However, looking at how the government functions, it is rather difficult to imagine that important issues like housing which affects most of the Singaporeans was decided by an individual and not the collective brains in the cabinet.

Back to the lighter moment. High Street ( 谐街) had provided me some fond memories in the 1970s. I stayed in Hill Street (禧街) directly opposite today’s MITA Building. MITA Building was a Police Station cum living quarters. It housed the Provost Unit for a few months in the early 1970s before returning back to the Police Force.

High Street Scene 1972

High Street was just a few ten metres away from where my family of six stayed. In the late 1960s to 1970s, High Street was a busy shopping district. It was like Orchard Road, or perhaps a mini Oxford Street of London. Sincere Watch, one of the public listed companies today, was first established at the corner of High Street and North Bridge road. Emporium (东风百货公司, belonged to the Emporium Group 英保良集团) opened in 1967, occupying another corner of High Street and North Bridge road directly opposite Sincere Watch. Emporium imported China products. Even the uniforms put up by the sales staff (white top and pink skirt) were very Chinese.

Although internet did not exist in that era, High Street No 86 Melwani’s Men’s Shop had already connected itself well with the globe, selling men wear from all around the world except China.

No 86 Melwani's men's shop, linking itself with the world

There were many other shops along High Street selling beautiful Indian Sari. These shops also carried interesting Chinese names such as 企企哈里(K K Harjani) and 祥加士(M Kishin). I collected international stamps from them and exchanged with schoolmates. The stamp albums continued to grow until my childhood was over. They also reflected how well these entrepreneurs had linked themselves up with the various continents.

High Street - Dominated by Indian merchants, 1972

Metro (美罗) was situated at the heart of High Street and attracted big crowds in the busy afternoon. The departmental store closed at night and on Sunday. High Street was quiet after seven, only Emporium provided night life (up to 9pm) for the residents.

High Street after 7pm. 1971

Vicky Dutton, fashion designer and model told Her World in July 1964, “The woman who dresses with a difference is one who chooses materials, colour and cut of her clothes, her hairstyle, her jewels all to match a sense of personal uniqueness.”

High Street was trendy. You could discover the fashion. Fashion was not limited to the mini-skirts for the ladies. The thick frame spectacles worn by the men also recounted the lost era of 1970s.

High Street Fashion (1), 1971

High Street fashion (2), 1971
High Street Fashion (3), 1972

Friday, March 05, 2010
















