
Friday, February 25, 2022

粤海清庙,老爷宫,孖庙 (Wak Hai Cheng Bio)



刮起东北风的时候南中国海风大浪大,先民都希望能够在顺风下安全抵岸,直落亚逸岸边的海唇福德祠、粤海清庙和天福宫,帕玛路(Palmer Road)的望海大伯公庙和小坡的天后宫成为昔日广东、潮州、福建、客家和海南五大籍贯人士登陆后答谢神恩的庙宇。












粤海清庙坐落在菲利普街(Philips Street),庙前的海岸线早已消失,四面高楼大厦环抱,从前很大的粤海清庙如今看来格外矮小。不过山不在高,有神则灵;水不在深,有龙则鸣,大小只是观感,心诚最重要。



潮州人“未上红头船,先拜妈祖娘”的信仰传承自樟林港天后宫的习俗。樟林港是个远航的古港,根据义安公司的网站,新加坡开埠的年代,潮汕的海员商贾来到本地,为答谢神明保佑海运平安,于海边兴建妈祖庙,由万世顺公司管理。再请来潮州人祖神老爷(玄天上帝)安奉,设立老爷宫。1826年(道光六年)妈祖庙与老爷宫合为粤海清庙。1845年(道光廿五年)由义安公司管理,于1852 至 1855 年兴建孖庙。这座工艺独特的庙宇是潮州传统建筑工艺的结晶,建筑外观采用嵌瓷,泥塑,石雕木刻,壁画等传统工艺。1896年,粤海清庙全面重建,变成一座雕梁画栋的水泥墙大庙,如今的粤海清庙仍延续着左右两宫连接的格局。















Tuesday, February 22, 2022






比较常听到的传说是这山丘上杂草丛生,荒凉偏僻,人迹罕至。有一个“翠兰”小姑娘,为了贪方便,抄捷径攀越山丘,被歹徒盯上,意图污辱她。她死力抗拒而惨遭杀害,当地人便在山丘上建一座亭子叫 ”翠兰亭”。



我查阅英文记录,富商陈桂兰(Tan Quee Lan,?-1904)买下这小山丘的6英亩地皮,曾称为桂兰岗(Quee Lan Hill)。陈桂兰是殖民地政府以他的名字来为小坡一条街道命名(Tan Quee Lan Street),表扬他对新加坡的贡献。早在1885年之前,陈桂兰在此兴建豪宅,以及成立翠兰亭俱乐部(Chwee Lan Teng Club)。1884年俱乐部因纠纷被法庭下令解散。这地段在18851893年曾有过两次公开拍卖。成立于1895年的华人维基利俱乐部(Chinese Weekly Entertainment Club),不知道是否在俱乐部原址拆下重建,或是改装修饰?所知维基利俱乐部建筑设计图,有陈桂兰的儿子秋金(Tan Chew Kim)的名字。





Friday, February 18, 2022


原文刊登于《书写文学》VOL 9, 2020








那时候我在俗称“72家房客”的店屋居住,上学前放学后都自己料理煮食,往往为了小小的共用厨房和厕所发愁,有个属于自己的单位是个摘星梦。至于组屋楼下的店铺和洋灰游乐场,吸引力倒不大。 “我的家在骑楼上,楼下是个好地方,不管世界怎么样,只知楼下是天堂。”住家骑楼下的世界五花八门,附近又有山有水,大地就是最好的游乐场。

以前的大巴窑头上长草,叫做“大芭窑”,电视里头的大巴窑即没有山芭,又没有窑穴,为什么取个“大巴窑”这么古怪的名字呢?为此我纳闷了半辈子。原来“巴窑”的马来文原意为“沼泽地”。这块大沼泽地的确辽阔, 1846年的新加坡海峡地图上已经标志了“大巴窑”(Toah Pyoh,大片沼泽地)和“大巴窑内”(Toah Pyoh Lye,大片沼泽地的深处),大巴窑内就是现在的咖啡山,一百年前开始成为迁葬的墓地。


上世纪60年代,偌大的大巴窑还是乡村地带的时候,老师叫同学们列举新加坡的名胜地。我住在水仙门,生活离不开皇家山和伊丽莎白道,坐在国家剧场后面山坡的梯阶看免费演出,好位置被占领了,只好在山风虫鸣中聆听《 百灵鸟,你这美妙的歌手 》。偶尔搭乘112号巴士到植物园看猴子,或是登上145号巴士去虎豹别墅神话故事。当同学说花柏山、金宫别墅和双林寺的时候,眼睛都瞪大了。终于等到某一天,父亲带我搭乘霸王车,来到偏远的双林寺。不晓得为什么,从前看到重重楼阁的双林寺,总觉得大得无法形容,跟常见的庙宇不可同日而语,难怪成为旅游胜地了。










大巴窑中心刚落成的四栋点式组屋(175, 179, 191 和 193座)先让选手入住,对面的综合体育场就是选手们冲刺角逐的地方。我们为19岁的金牌姑娘陈丽燕雀跃欢呼,期待她继续拼搏,让国人的梦想起飞。陈丽燕11岁便参加国际游泳赛事,正常人无忧无虑的童年,放学后跟同学逛街看戏的日子都离她十分遥远。东运会结束后,陈丽燕宣布退休。

(陈丽燕 Patricia Chan,1966。图片来源:Wikipedia。)








记得接到这家荷兰公司邀请面试的电话时,是否被录取已经不重要了。文团的伙伴眼中,跨国公司的形象烂透,都是吃人不吐渣的资本主义者。尤其是美国厂,hire and fire,千方百计地剥削劳工,没利益可图的时候就卷席而去,全然不顾工人死活。可是走出军营后,能够提供合理的就业机会的,偏偏是被唾弃的跨国企业。













Tuesday, February 15, 2022




在牛车水有一条德霖路(Teck Lim Road),人称德林街,是“三条街”之一(其他是恭锡路若铨路)。德霖路是殖民地政府,为了纪念市议会议员王德霖(Ong Teck Lim1875-1912)而命名。根据《新加坡自由西报》讣告,王德霖是因为患上痢疾不治,天不假年,只活了36年。痢疾原因是因为饮用水、食物处理缺乏卫生受污染。可惜当年医学不发达,抗生素还没发现,痢疾要了他的命!王德霖英年早逝,未能为社会服务做出更大贡献,令人遗憾。

王德霖生前曾经担任新加坡殖民地政府的市政局委员(Municipal Commissioner),1909年任满三年后就告退,不寻求连任,让同僚惋惜。他因社会服务有功,曾被殖民地政府册封为太平绅士JP

王德霖受英文教育,在英华学校毕业。他的父亲王求和(又名王九和Ong Kew Ho1825-1889),来自马六甲,祖籍福建同安,年幼失学,受教育不多。他早期替老板建成打工,“建成”号在驳船码头开设子公司“源通”(Guan Tong),作为代理商。“源通”同时经营硕莪。王求和得到老板建成的赏识,后来成为“建成”的合伙人。老板去世后,王求和把公司改名为“王九和公司源通号”,邀弟弟加入公司联手经营。他最大的贡献是和两位王姓富翁(有海、沧州),买下221英亩的土地,作为王姓宗亲的种植地及坟场,该地又称“姓王山”,也叫“太原山”,也就是后来的武吉布朗,俗称㗝呸山或咖啡山。

王父殁后,王德霖接掌“王九和公司源通号”,把父业发扬光大,发家致富,成为一名成功年青商人,他以经营木薯土产生意而著名。他致富后置业,拥有谐街及厦门街产业,最后在谐街的住宅过世。王德霖曾参加海峡华人义勇军步兵队(The Chinese Company Singapore Voluntary Infantry),成为队员。他也是英籍海峡华人公会(Straits Chinese British Association)的会员,生前爱好运动,是网球好手,代表英籍海峡华人公会等团体比赛。




Friday, February 11, 2022

Cultivating values, nurturing generations

This article is published in the book Cultivating values, nurturing generations, Tuan Mong High School Alumni Association, September 2021, ISBN 978 981 18 0861 6



At the end of 1994, Tuan Mong High School sent off its last batch of students, ending its 88-year-long educational mission. The current Tuan Mong Alumni Association was officially established on May 28, 1996 arising from the school closure. It remains active for 20 over years now, hosting seminars, calligraphy classes, school anniversary celebrations and visiting senior activity centres, among others. The scenes of a thousand teachers and alumni gathering are not uncommon.


“Cultivating values, nurturing generations” – To our dedicated teachers with love

Despite the severe Covid-19 pandemic situation, a group of our alumni, span from 40 to 70 over year old, came together for about 2 years to plan, interview teachers, and research into the school’s legacy. The relentless effort are edited into a published book “Cultivating values, nurturing generations” (勤慎诚正 时雨春风) and e-media to express our gratitude to our dedicated teachers. These are the harvests with love solely produced by ex-students of Tuan Mong except for the typesetting and printing portions.


The surrounding is our classroom

Tuan Mong was founded on October 1, 1906 as a Chinese school. There were only a school principal, two teachers and 60 students back then. During its heyday in the 1970s, the primary and secondary sections had a total of more than 2,000 students. In the 1980s when Singapore's education was undergoing a major revamp, it was transformed into a national stream school with English as the first language. As the resident population in the city declined, The Ngee Ann Kongsi decided to establish a new school (Ngee Ann Secondary School) in Tampines New Town.

For Tuan Mong students, learning did not only come from the school itself. Fort Canning Hill and its surrounding are our classroom, allowing us to bring those knowledge from books to real life.

Tuan Mong and its surrounding

Harmony and tolerance: At the bottom of the hill along Tank Road, the Hindu Temple (Sri Thendayuthapani Temple) built by the Indian Chattier and the Catholic Church (Church of the Sacred Heart) funded by Chinese donors are still standing on the solid ground. Sandwiched between the two century’s old religious sites is a unique Chinese building which is a fusion of both the Teochew and Western architectural styles. It is where the Tuan Mong High School was situated. For more than a hundred years, this place has witnessed social harmony and mutual tolerance among all races and religions. We witnessed the Thaipusam procession year in year out.

Tuan Mong is situated in between the two historical religious sites: Church of the Sacred Heart and Sri Thendayuthapani Temple

Sri Thendayuthapani Temple established by the Indian Chattier

Indian security: The security who worked for this traditional Chinese school for many years was a fellow Indian, Mohamed Hussain. Since the end of World War II, his family had been living in the school compound until the day of its closure. His granddaughter, Julaiha, shared her gratitude through an article “Tuan Mong High School My Home” captured in the Singapore Memory Project.

Julaiha, the granddaughter of Tuan Mong security guard Mohamed Hussain, shared her gratitude in the Singapore Memory Project.

The major mass transportation route: Tank Road is named after the train of which the railway terminal in front of the school was completed in 1903. The railway joining Singapore and Malaysia was the main means of transportation for many decades. Indeed, the trains had facilitated the close relationship among people between Singapore and the Federation. Today, the CTE and the MRT Northeast Line are built underneath and continue to play the significant role as they did a century ago.

Tank Road is named after the train of which the railway terminal in front of the school was completed in 1903. Source:NAS

The origin of Singapore history: The Fort Canning Hill is the birthplace of Singapore history. 700 years ago, Prince Sang Nila Utama established the ruling centre on this "Forbidden Hill". Excavation in the 20th century found ancient porcelain, glass beads and Kara gold ornaments substantiated the glory of ancient Singapura.

The economic lifeblood: In the early 19th century, the British revived the ancient port of Singapore, promoting free trade and laying the foundation of modern Singapore. The Raffles House, the flagpole, the lighthouse and the time ball on the Fort Canning Hill facing the sea had taught us that the mouth of the Singapore River was the starting point of our maritime trade. The Singapore River is always a lifeline for Singaporean from supporting the economy and daily living in the past, to providing fresh water for urban living today.

Hall of arts and culture: The National Theatre was jointly funded by the government and the public. It signified a strong cohesiveness during the nation building years. It was an important venue for promoting arts and culture since its opening before the Singapore’s merger with Malaysia. The National Theatre organised calligraphy, painting and photography exhibitions during the day, and cultural shows at night. Tuan Mong students used to sit on the hillside to watch free live performances by Teochew opera star Ms Yao Xuanqiu, the North Korean Art Troupe, the Hong Kong and China performances, among others.

The National Theatre was where most Tuan Mong students would capture their fond memories. Credit: 梁秀香


Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew cast his sacred vote in Tuan Mong

May 30, 1959 was a memorable day when the general election for the full internal self-government  of Singapore was held. All 51 seats in the Legislative Assembly were elected by the people for the first time. It marked the new journey towards independence for Singapore.

Tuan Mong High school was one of the polling stations in the district of River Valley. Early in the morning, voters lined up outside the school, ready to cast their sacred votes for the first elected government. Opposition MP and Tanjong Pagar district candidate Mr Lee Kuan Yew also queued up to cast his vote. After this election, he became the Prime Minister of Singapore.

Mr Lee's home, 38 Oxley Road, is just behind Tuan Mong, which is less than a 10-minute walk to the polling station.

May 30, 1959, opposition MP and Tanjong Pagar district candidate Lee Kuan Yew queued up in Tuan Mong to cast his vote. Mrs Lee was in front of him. Source: LIFE Magazine

Tuan Mong teachers’ calligraphy

Calligraphy is in the DNA of Tuan Mong thanks to the Vice Principal Mr Yang Wee Chyun and teacher Mr Chang Kwang Wee.

The late Mr Yang Wee Chyun was comfortable with all styles of Chinese calligraphy. When Singapore decided to adopt simplified Chinese, he specially wrote the simplified characters for the students to practice. If you are passing by Kreta Ayer, you may want to take a look at Mr Yang's calligraphy inscribed board "Chinatown Complex", which is located at the entrance of the complex facing the Buddha's Tooth Temple. It has already been captured by the lens of many visitors.

Yang Wee Chyun's calligraphy inscribed board "Chinatown Complex"

In 2011, the 25th anniversary of the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) was celebrated with a plaque inscribed with the words "Harmony and Co-operation" in Chinese presented by the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, former Senior Minister. The plaque is now hanging over the entrance lobby of SFCCA. The words on the plaque were written by Mr Chang Kwang Wee. Mr Chang is still conducting calligraphy classes for the general public.

"Harmony and Co-operation" presented by the late Lee Kuan Yew and written by Chang Kwang Wee


Tuan Mong teachers' paintings on display at the National Gallery of Singapore

The National Gallery's DBS Singapore Gallery features the works of four Tuan Mong teachers.

Mr Tchang Ju Chi was a first-generation Chinese artist. He was a painter, cartoonist, writer, activist and intellectual leader in Singapore before the Second World War. He is probably one of the first artist who painted “Nanyang colour” as early as the 1920s. He was killed during the Japanese Occupation of Singapore in 1942.

Tchang Ju Chi, fruits

Mr Chen Chong Swee was another pioneer of the Nanyang art. Although he had a good grounding in oil painting, he was most at ease with painting in Chinese ink and colour as well as Western watercolour. His oil paintings often captured Malay kampungs and Malay women as his subjects. Mr Chen advocated that Chinese ink painting must incorporate Western painting techniques to express modern life, and use of English or Malay poetry to reach out to more audience for Chinese ink painting.

Chen Chong Swee, Malay women

Mr Gog Sing Hooi was one of the pioneer watercolour artists whose artistic talents and dedication to the medium placed them in mentoring roles amongst younger local artists participating in the Sunday Group during the 1940s – 60s. They eventually helped founded the Singapore Watercolour Society in 1969. Mr Gog served as the inaugural Chairman of the society.

Goh Sing Hooi, Thiam Hock Keng

For over 50 years, Mr Ho Yee Ping performed watercolour painting during weekends when he was holding a day teaching job in Tuan Mong. When he was studying at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, he became close friend with Georgette Chen although he had never attended her classes. After graduation, he used to ride around in Chen's beetle car to make sketches of local scenes.

Ho Yee Ping, Chinatown


Members of parliament

There are four Tuan Mong alumni who have served as Members of Parliament: Mr Yeo Toon Chia, Mr Goh Choon Kang, Mr Seng Han Thong and Mr Sam Tan, who together have been MPs for about 80 years, serving in four single-member constituencies and three GRC.

In late September 1996, Deputy Prime Minister Brigadier General Lee Hsien Loong introduced the new candidate, Mr Seng Han Thong, saying that the younger generation of candidates with a Chinese language background could be selected from graduates from Catholic High, Hwa Chong and Tuan Mong.

In late September 1996, Deputy Prime Minister Brigadier General Lee Hsien Loong introduced the new candidate, Seng Han Thong


Olympic personalities

Our alumni Mr Tan Howe Liang is a weightlifter and won the first Singapore Olympic Games medal in 1960.

Half a century later, Singapore hosted the inaugural Youth Olympic Games (YOG) established by the International Olympic Committee. The event was held in 2010 which wrote a new chapter in the history of local sports. Mr Ng Ser Miang, a Tuan Mong alumni, served as chairman of the YOG Organising Committee.


NASA spacecraft engineer

Tuan Mong alumni Mr Allan Lee, a NASA spacecraft engineer, spent 25 years working on the Cassini/Huygens mission to Saturn and Titan. He has also supported other interplanetary missions including the Galileo Jupiter mission scheduled to travel to Jupiter in 2022. Mr Lee has never forgotten his mentors and classmates. He caught up with them whenever returned to Singapore.


Tham Luang Cave, Thailand: The high-risk search and rescue mission

On June 23, 2018, 12 "Wild Boars" football team teenage players and their coach were stranded in the Tham Luang Cave due to heavy rains. Hundreds of volunteers from all over the world joined in for the rescue effort.

Mr Poh Kok Wee , a Tuan Mong alumni, took the initiative to contact the military and join the international rescue team. He put aside all his business, paid for everything, and risked his life with a five-member professional climbing team hired by his company to participate in the rescue operation. His team was mainly responsible for checking other holes that could lead to the stranded site. He also served as an interpreter for the international rescue team. After 18 days of struggle, all the missing boys and their coach were finally rescued. As Mr Poh said, he is only a small candle, but the light brings hope to others.

Poh Kok Wee said, he is only a small candle, but the light brings hope to others. Credit: Poh Kok Wee



Tuan Mong is not a prestigious elite school. Most of the students came from ordinary families. The former students learnt from the pool of devoted and caring teachers as well as the unparalleled geographical environment. They are contributing to the society in their respective fields.