
Friday, July 29, 2022

我的冠病经验 My experience with Covid 19
















Friday, July 22, 2022

日治时期 柔佛兴楼兴建新昭南模范村







随着战情的发展,丰盛港一带最有可能是下个登陆点,半天内罗厘将所有居民疏散到峇株巴辖的铁山(Sri Medan)。这里是日本人经营的矿场,矿工抵制日本侵华,丢空的劳工宿舍用来安置难民。











新加坡沦陷三个月后,社会秩序已大致恢复,周尚文因思念母亲回来新加坡,在比必士路(Pepys Road)鸦片厂上班。厂内百多名员工以女工居多,印度入口的生鸦片煮熟后灌入圆形小锡管内就可以包装出售了。这些锡管用厂内的模具制成,容量分为二分、四分与六分(一分约等于一克)。

上世纪40年代的比必士路鸦片厂,女工正在为鸦片加工。(美国威斯康星大学密尔沃基图书馆照片From the American Geographical Society Library, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Libraries)











陈笃生的曾孙陈温祥律师(Tan Hoon Siang)醉心于农业,成立模范村三公里外的农业试验场,教导居民种植蔬菜、水稻、畜牧。

前财政部长胡赐道博士的父亲胡载坤医生设立卫生诊所,由陈亚保医生(Dr Chen Ah Poh)和陈笃生的另一位曾孙陈美仪医生(Dr Maggie Lim)驻守。





20多户人家决定落地生根,将模范村易名好旺村,在村子里设立学校。他们的住所集中在Jalan RiaJalan Mahsuri,分别为从前的8巷和9巷,路旁的福德庙和兴业茶餐室成为联络站。







Friday, July 15, 2022

Raising war relief fund - Men's barber trade before and after the Second World War

This article is translated from 李国樑,《理发也筹赈---二战前后的男士理发业published in Lianhe Zaobao, 24 February 2022.

At the beginning of the 21st century, $10 quick cuts were introduced from Japan. Some men hopped in to try out the new trend that turned away from tradition. Today there are no less than 100 echouse, QB House and Kcuts unisex haircutting outlets in Singapore.

The traditional men's 'full course' haircutting takes more than an hour, including shampooing, ear-picking, nose-hair trimming, shaving, facial compresses and shoulder massage. Indian barbershops do not touch the ears or nose, but rather win over customers with their unique technique of 'necks and shoulders loosening'.

In contrast, contemporary fast-cutting shops take only 10 minutes. They are clean, hygienic and do not perform anything additional other than haircuts. They are forcing traditional barbershops to the end of the road in the face of the Covid pandemic.


The Fuzhou barber's razor

Before Singapore's independence, the Chinese male hairdressing industry was mainly run by the Hainanese, Cantonese, Henghua and Fuzhou people. There was a popular saying about ‘Fuzhou men’s three knives’: the kitchen knife of a cook, the scissors of a tailor and the razor of a barber.

Through James Lau (a retired civil engineer who managed the OCBC and UOB construction projects), who is in his 80s, recapturing the life of his father, and complemented by recordings and old newspapers, it is possible to retrace the lost time of the yesteryears through the eyes of the men's hairdressing industry.

Growing up in China during the warlord era, Liaw Ching Sing took a boat from Fuzhou to Xiamen and board a steamship to Singapore. He described the Singapore’s street scene as "mostly bullock carts, horse carts and rickshaws". He was 19 years old then.

Not every Fuzhou master brought his special razor skill to the South. Anyway the skill for trimming a man's hair was not too demanding in that era. A pair of steady hands was the key. Liaw passed all  the three levels within a week and served as a full-fledged barber. The first level was to treat a soft drink bottle as a human head, practising until the scissors did not cut the comb and the comb did not touch the glass bottle. The second level was to practise trimming along the inner edge of the bottle. The third level was to master the skills of the razor by shaving own feet until the skin did not turn red or bleeding.


Changes before and after the Second World War

In early 20th century, the Cantonese and Hokkien had already established their own barber trade associations. As barbershop owners were also wage earners, memberships of the barber trade associations were  jointly subscribed by owners and workers.

About six months after the founding of the Singapore China Relief Fund Committee (SCRFC), the Hainanese established the Singapore Chinese Barber Association for barbers of all dialect groups. The slogan "no compromise, no surrender, strive to recover all the fallen Chinese lands and achieve national liberation" can be seen in the commemorative photo taken outside the Great Southern Hotel (南天酒楼). It clearly showed that the barbers were just as indignant as the other local Chinese at the time and had never forgotten their national hatred. 

The slogan "no compromise, no surrender, strive to recover all the fallen Chinese lands and achieve national liberation" can be seen in the commemorative photo taken outside the Great Southern Hotel (南天酒楼)


After Singapore changed its name to Syonan-to, the Japanese military government ordered the barbers to resume work. The military government selected the best barbershops in terms of size and hygiene as the appointed shops. Liaw’s Nando Barbershop, located in The Arcade opposite the Clifford Pier, was chosen by the military government.

The barbershop was frequented by many Japanese soldiers. They were deployed to other war zones later and Nando became quiet. However, the locals did not want to cross the threshold and preferred to stay away from those appointed shops including Nando.

Nando Barbershop, located in The Arcade opposite the Clifford Pier, was chosen by the military government. Liaw is the 3rd left of the front row

At the end of the Second World War, members of the Malayan People's Anti-Japanese Army (MPAJA) returned to Singapore. Many barbers were MPAJA partisans and played a key role in reshaping the barber trade. Two important reforms were introduced to improve the quality of life for the barbers: Firstly, the opening hours were reduced by four hours from 7am to 5pm, All barbers will have one day off each week.  Obviously, the working hours was much better than before of which only having the Lunar New Year off. Secondly, the monthly salary was replaced by a shared-income system. Considering the owner must pay for the shop rental, utilities and barbering tools, the owner and the staff would split in 30/70, while a poorly equipped barbershop would split in 20/80. If  the owner provided food it would be 50/50.

In 1948 when the Emergency Ordinance was declared in Malaya and Singapore, the joint workers' and employers' associations were ordered to dissolve. The Hokkien Barber Association, of which Liaw was a member, was replaced by the employer-based Singapore Barber Association. As the head of the association, Liaw often spent more time holding meetings, setting rules for the trade and resolving labour disputes than taking up the razor.


Fierce competition

In the face of fierce competition, some owners deployed young female barbers to attract customers. For instance, by the time James’ sister was 15 or 16 years old, she was already wielding the scissors with ease and had become the designated hair stylist for many of her regular customers.

According to the Straits Times in 1949, young women accounted for one-third of the approximately 2,000 barbers in Singapore. Indeed, many old thinking had changed after the Second World War and women began to enter the workforce at a rapid pace. Hairdressing, make-up, dressmaking, the police force, schools, offices and rubber factories, all attracting a new generation of women.

In the 1950s, when the barbers could not reach an agreement with their bosses, they often resorted to the tactic of slacking off with the support of workers from all wards. The supporting contingent took turns to crowd the shops, smoking and chitchatting. The bosses were unable to carry out their usual business and more often than not, had to return to the negotiation table.

Some members violated the rules of the barber trade by reducing prices in order to attract customers. When the association failed to persuade the members to stop such practices, secret societies were hired and always proved to be effective.


Barbers and cabaret girls join forces to raise war relief funds

In the days of the anti-Japanese relief effort, Liaw teamed up with barbers in the Jalan Besar area to form the China National Liberation Youth Group (中国民族振兴青年团). The main activity was to mobilise young people to sell flowers. Liaw also acted individually in the evenings to punish the "traitors" who sold Japanese goods. Liaw was also one of the key members of the Second Special District of the China Relief Fund Branch. Based at the shophouse on Foch Road, Liaw was working with the Cabaret Girls' Association. The fund raised was particularly impressive due to the presence of the New World cabaret girls and the star-studded sisters Liang Sai Zhen (梁赛珍) and Liang Sai Zhu (梁赛珠).

The Liang sisters were nicknamed the "Shanghai girls". Liang Sai Zhen, the elder sister, became a popular actress in Shanghai at the same time as Ruan Lingyu (阮玲玉). Liang Sai Zhu was introduced to the film industry by her elder sister and acted in the film "The Four Sisters" produced by Lianhua Co.. After the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, the two sisters fled to Hong Kong and were subsequently hired as dance hostesses at the New World Cabaret, Singapore. They worked with Huang Feng Yi (黄凤仪), the chairperson of the Singapore Cabaret Girls' Association and the pillar of the New World Cabaret, as well as other dance hostesses such as Chen Yu Lan (陈玉兰) and Hua Yu Lan (花玉兰), to raise funds for the cause, including the auction of dance tickets and jewelry, and charity performances of Cantonese and Peking opera in Singapore, Penang and Kuala Lumpur. The cabaret girls, who worked in the three worlds, were publicly praised by the Acting Chairman of the SCRFC, Tan Ean Kiam, for their "tender heartedness in changing dependency and worthy of the times".

The three sisters: Liang Sai Zhen (梁赛珍) , Liang Sai Zhu (梁赛珠) and Liang Sai Shan (梁赛珊)


The patriotic film "Tears of War" (战云情泪), co-starred by Liang Sai Chu, Ng Cho Fan (吴楚帆) and Lu Dun (卢敦) in Hong Kong, was facing several twists and turns in Singapore. Eventually it was allowed to be screened locally at the Overseas Chinese Theatre (Siu Po) and Glorious Theatre (Happy World), as well as Shaw Cinemas' Oriental Theatre (Tai Po) and Atlantic Theatre (Great World). Liang played a part in boosting the popularity of the film for fund raising.

After the fall of Singapore, key members of the Relief Committee were targeted for prosecution. Liaw was imprisoned at the Siong Lim Sawmill Factory next to the Rochor River. Three days later, Liaw took advantage of the fear of transmittable disease of the Japanese Kempeitai and managed to escape by supporting his severely injured comrade, who was nestled in a mass of houseflies on his inflamed wounds. On the other hand, the last steamship, the Imperial Star, supposedly ferrying women and children to Australia, was taken over by gun-wielding runaway soldiers. Failing to board the last ship,  the Liang sisters went into hiding in order to save their own lives.

When the end of Second World War finally dawned, Liang Sai Zhu involved in the charity work of the Xing Hua Orphanage (星华孤儿院) and Liang Sai Zhen became the manager of the Dragon and Phoenix Dance Palace in the Great Southern Hotel. The barber and the New World cabaret girls had never forgotten each other in the midst of the great era.

Friday, July 08, 2022






没有第一次世界大战何来二战?惹兰勿刹有16条以一战的英法将领命名的道路,包括Horne Road, Jellicoe Road, French Road, Penhas Road, King George Avenue, Cavan Road, Hamilton Road, Tyrwhitt Road, Beatty Road, Foch Road, Petain Road, Allenby Road, Plumer Road, Kitchener Road, Maude Road, Townshend Road。这一带是1920年左右开始发展的,当时一战结束不久,官方决定以将领命名,作为战争的记忆。

各道路都以Road)命名,只有乔治王道(King George Avenue)以命名。20世纪的英国乔治王有两位,乔治王道纪念的乔治王(五世)乃英女王伊丽莎白(二世)的曾祖父。乔治王(五世)向德国宣战,在法国检阅军队时从马上摔下来后无法痊愈,加上烟瘾成性,一生为疾病所困。伊丽莎白女王(二世)的父亲乔治王(六世),1938年三巴旺军港启用的船坞King George VI Dock以他命名,阿尔柏王园(King Albert Park)也以他的阿尔柏Prince Albert of York)身份命名

乔治王道(King George Avenue


翰密顿路(Hamilton Road)俗称胡文钊路,不过官方正式命名的胡文钊路(Woo Mon Chew Road)在勿洛南,附近还有纪辰道(Kee Sun Avenue)。日据时期,曾纪辰和胡文钊分别担任广惠肇留医院的正副主席,维持留医院的运作。二战结束后,胡文钊出任主席,负责战后重建的工作。胡文钊在翰密顿路建立两栋石屎楼(洋灰楼, 3-118-30),他的广和隆建筑公司和住家都在这里,他的孙女在此处居住至80年代。日军投下炸弹时,这些石屎楼成为街坊的避难所。胡文钊为避难的街坊提供食物,大家感恩于心,因此将此路以胡文钊命名。禧街警察局是胡文钊所承包的建筑工程之一。

翰密顿路(Hamilton Road)俗称胡文钊路

新中国汽水公司National Aerated Water Co)于1929年在翰密顿路设厂,二战后以鲜拿果(Sinalco)和吉家宝(Kickapoo)闻名,二战前则生产孔雀牌鲜橙水。鲜拿果乃德国配方,由橙、柠檬、黑莓、覆盆子、草莓、黄梨等水果调制;吉家宝则是混合葡萄柚、柑橘、酸甘的美国配方。日据时期被令继续运作,受管制的白糖由军政府供应。

二战前,翰密顿路(Hamilton Road35-37号新中国汽水公司生产孔雀牌鲜橙水

翰密顿路和贺恩路(Horne Road)交界处的圣三一堂(Holy Trinity Church)是座以华族建筑物常用的青瓦建成的福州圣公会堂,创建时坐落在已被拆除的红砖图书馆原址。1941年现教堂落成不久便遇上二战,教会所依赖的外国经济援助被完全切断,不得不学会自力更生,自给自足。



贝当路(Petain Road)的贝当是位最具争议性的人物。一战期间,贝当出任法国总司令跟德国军对抗,成为一名民族英雄。战后法国的军力每况愈下,二战时已经无法跟纳粹德国抗衡。贝当临危受命为法国总理,贝当奉命组织内阁,隔天下令停火,向入侵的德军签署停战协定,成为傀儡总理,因此背下卖国贼罪名。贝当亦跟日本签下条约,允许日本在中南半岛扎军,作为侵略东南亚的军事基地。

贝当路(Petain Road

战争结束后,贝当因叛国罪受审,被法庭判处死刑。临时总统戴高乐(Charles De Gaulle)对此审判提出批评,将法庭的判决改为终身监禁,理由是贝当已经是名80多岁的老人,他在一战的战功显赫。10年前,本地的法国居民与前联合国巡回大使许通美教授建议政府将贝当路改名,最后不了了之。





体育场旁的维多利亚学校日据时期改名惹兰勿刹男校Jalan Besar Boys School用作临时拘留所。维多利亚学校出了三位新加坡总统:尤索夫(Yusof bin Ishak),蒂凡那(CV Devan Nair),纳丹(SR Nathan)。




茂德路(Maude Road)至梧槽河畔俗称松林板厂,它是河畔最大的工厂,林文庆的妻舅殷雪村乃成立股东之一。这一带的梧槽河又名结霜桥,名字来自河边的冰厂(Singapore Ice Work),锯木后的木屑附在冰块上就是环保的绝缘体了。检证时期,松林板厂是另一个临时扣留所。根据该区筹赈会要员之一廖清醒的口述历史,他就是被囚禁在此,三天后利用宪兵害怕传染病,扶着全身都是苍蝇的伤患逃脱的。

茂德路(Maude Road)至梧槽河畔俗称松林板厂

二战前,茂德路75B(75号三楼是间车仔馆,也就是人力车夫居住的估俚间。李光耀就是在此处躲藏,捡回一命的。话说拉车夫高长古从福清来到新加坡,在车仔馆住宿,后来到诺福路(Norfolk Road)李光耀家里当车夫,负责接送他的三个弟妹上学放学。日据时期高长古和李光耀前往惹兰勿刹接受检证,结果高长古获释,李光耀则被令跟一群年轻人站在一边。李光耀觉得形势不妙,跟宪兵说上楼拿衣服和粮食,宪兵竟然同意,于是跟着高长古跑到车仔馆躲了两天。救命之恩,涌泉已报,李光耀的母亲蔡认娘照顾高长古一辈子,直到高长古回福清的家乡终老。




三龙路(Sam Leong Road)以王三龙命名,第一次大战期间,王三龙捐钱支援英国抗战,殖民地政府以三龙街来纪念他的贡献。王三龙在姓王山(咖啡山的一部分)的坟墓占地最大,约10间三房式组屋。三龙路好些店屋都挂上会馆的招牌,二战前本地的会馆多数支援中国抗日,日据前先将档案销毁,避免被日军秋后算账,因此许多会馆的战前资料都遗失了。


三龙路(Sam Leong Road)以王三龙命名










实龙岗路的Srinivasa Perumal Temple19世纪末,由一群齐智人创建。新加坡有至少三座齐智人创建的兴都庙,另外两间在登路和恭锡街。齐智人庙宇最盛大的节庆就是大宝森节了,参与游行的信徒从这里出发,或撑着拱架(Kavati)或顶着牛奶罐,步行3.2公里到登路。由于日本人信奉神道,日据时期不会随意冒犯宗教场所与墓地。









梅宝坚(BOEY Poh Kin)的口述历史

根据梅宝坚(BOEY Poh Kin)的口述历史,台山出生的梅启康在圣约瑟书院(St Joseph)念书,在家补习中文,继承父亲的当店事业。他对孩子管教严格,要他们饮水思源,爱国,兄弟姐妹间要相亲相爱。他觉得自己中文水平不够,因此送孩子到华校读书。










吴泰昌(NG Tuck Cheong)的口述历史

根据吴泰昌(NG Tuck Cheong)的口述历史,昭南市政局及卫生局长安藤允许广惠肇留医院继续经营,并陆续增聘医生和住院护士,医务人员在医院住宿。留医院得到日本卫生局协助提供物资,药物方面相当充足,粮食方面则靠董事筹款。逃难的人士由留医院收留,路边死去的人士由留医院收尸敛葬。当时没有葬身之地,所以在花园里埋葬。大楼后面的空地也埋下去。兵荒马乱,不可能将人名记录下来。交通解封后,留医院将尸体移至碧山亭。


[1]: 2022716日,陶纳路(Towner Road)预购组屋Towner Residences工地发现疑似二战炸弹一枚,可以佐证留医院被炸的一幕。


1. BOEY Poh Kin oral history, Accession Number 000177, National Archives Singapore

2. NG Tuck Cheong oral history, Accession Number 003435, National Archives Singapore

3. Jalan Besar A HERITAGE TRAIL, NHB 2012

4. Tommy Koh, Should Petain Road be renamed?, The Straits Times, 20 March 2012
