There are so many fascinating tales created for the moon in the Chinese history. By far 嫦娥奔月 is the most popular story. 嫦娥應悔偷靈藥﹐碧海青天夜夜深。Chang-er could not resist the temptation of being forever young. She stole the magical medicine from her husband and finished them all. Her body became lighter and lighter and eventually floated to the sky.
Her wish was fulfilled but she also had to stay lonely in the moon, forever. She missed the happiness in life, forever.
Life is a fine balance. You gain some, you lose some. There is no free lunch. There is always a price to pay for. This is about Ying-Yang, about Dao. Happiness arose deep from the heart, deep from the soul. It is all in your mind. Happiness can be very simple but rewarding as long as you perceive your life positively. By appreciating small little things happening around you could brighten your days.
For example, have you tried waking up 15 minutes earlier and send your daughter to school instead of leaving her to the school bus? Have you tried to talk to her during that little 15 minutes journey, Let her shares with you her encounters in school, her sadness and joys? You would possibly feel the differences of her yesterday and today. She is growing up day after day. One fine day she will leave you to pursue her dream. But you will remember the little moments that she spent with you and you spent with her. You will remember the unconditional love between you. This little time, this little share of love that you are together shapes her life.
On the night of mid-autumn festival, the lunar calendar of 15th day of the 8th month, 2005, I strolled with my 11 years old son and 9 years old daughter in the Tampines Tree Garden. There were other families around. The garden was brightened up by the mid-autumn lanterns, hanging on the trees, swinging around with the delighted faces. They lightened the night and brightened the hearts. Life can be as simple as it can be.
Near mid-night, the moon was shining high up in the sky. How many times we really devote a little moment in our life to appreciate what are surrounding us? How many times we know that Chang-er doesn't exist in the moon but just let our own imaginations flow?
藍藍的天空銀河里有只小白船﹐船上有棵桂花樹﹐白兔在游玩。Peaceful life is also a form of happiness. You know the truth but by hiding the truth with right and kind intention can also bring happiness. Why not just let the Chang-er's story last forever rather than revealing the moon is just a piece of vacant land without air and life? Art and science co-exist. don't they?
海為龍世界﹐云是鶴家鄉。The universe is built on relativity and integrated as a coherent whole. Everyone serves their respective lives and stays where they belong. Once we know the balance, lives will no longer be as complicated as they used to be. Happiness will arise from your heart. You can then appreciate life with a totally different perspective. You have elevated yourself into an entirely different context.
Life is beautiful. Just as the mid-autumn moon.
1 comment:
好一句:‘life is beautiful. Just as the mid-autumn moon’
‘中秋团圆月’ 是 ’生活美好家人团圆‘ 的象征。
许下了 ‘海誓山盟’ 也承诺以后每年中秋节如果天气许可都到新加坡植物园
一游的 ‘宏愿’。
41年前的中秋夜我陪老婆大从位于 花拉公园 的住家乘计程车前往旧 竹脚
27年前的中秋夜我一家四口 ‘连根拔起’ 离开 新加坡机场 飞往一个接受我们
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